Educational Qualication | Ph.D, M.E, BE |
Area of Interest | Image processing, Pattern recognition, Biometrics. |
Patent Published
- Application Number: 202221027263 Title of Invention: Stroke Detection and Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Brain CT image matching Date of Filing: Applied, Publication Date: Applied, Status: Unpublished.
- Application Number: Title of Invention: A system for Intensity based Distinctive Feature Extraction and Matching for Sign Language Date of Filing: Applied, Publication Date: Applied, Status: Unpublished.
Book Chapter
- A Book on “Biometrics: Concepts and Applications” authored by G.R. Sinha and Sandeep B. Patil Language, ISBN-13: 9788126538652, ISBN-10:8126538651, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of John Wiley, 22 March, 2013.
Journals Publications
- Sandeep Baburao Patil and Dr. R. H. Talwekar, 2018, “Implementation of Devnagri (Marathi) Sign Language recognition system using scale invariant feature transform” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2018. (UGC Approved)
- Sandeep Baburao Patil and Dr. R. H. Talwekar, 2018, “Feature Extraction and Matching for different Intensity values using scale invariant feature transform” Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology, ISSN No.:2350-1146,Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2018. (UGC Approved)
- Sandeep Baburao Patil and Dr. R. H. Talwekar, 2017, “ISL Gesture Matching Using Distance Ratio and Rotation Angle” in International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS, ISSN 2348-117X, Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2017, pp-129-136. (UGC Approved)
- Sandeep Baburao Patil and Dr. R. H. Talwekar, 2017, “Implementation of Indian Sign Language Recognition System Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)” in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN 1947-5500, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp-493- 507.
- Sandeep B. Patil and G.R. Sinha, 2016, “Feature Extraction and Matching Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform for Indian Sign Language” in International Journal on Emerging Trends in Technology (IJETT), ISSN: 2455 - 0124 (ONLINE) | 2350 - 0808 (PRINT) | (IF: 0.456), Volume 3 | Issue 2, pp-5012-5018.
- Sandeep B. Patil and G.R. Sinha, 2017, “Distinctive feature extraction for Indian Sign Language (ISL) gesture using scale invariant feature Transform (SIFT)” in Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): series B Springer, Print ISSN-2250-2106 Online ISSN-2250-2114, Vol 98, Issue 1, pp. 19-26. (Scopus and UGC Approved)
- Sandeep B. Patil and G.R. Sinha, 2015, “Intensity Based distinctive feature extraction and matching using Scale invariant feature transform for Indian Sign Language” in Mathematical Methods and Systems in Science and Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-61804-281-1, pp-245-255.
- Invited as a Session Chair in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT-2022), Organized by EEE department SSTC, Bhilai on 21-22 April-2022.
- Invited as a Session Chair in Ist IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT-2022), Organized by EEE department SSTC, Bhilai on 19-20 Feburary-2021.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Motivational Empowerment and Stress Management SSTC, Under TEQIP-III CSVTU 11/06/19 11/06/19
- Security Analysis of Software system and Network SSTC, Under TEQIP-III CSVTU 02/02/19 02/02/19
- Innovative Ideas for Beginners SSTC, Under TEQIP-III CSVTU 30/01/19 30/01/19
- WorkShop on MATRIX LAB. SSTC, SSGI, Bhilai 01/02/2016 05/02/2016
- Workshop on LabView Software SSTC, SSGI, Bhlai 21/10/2013 26/10/2013
- MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Education Mathworks India 24/08/2012 24/08/2012
- Workshop on “EDWIN XP” SSTC, SSGI, Bhlai 28/01/2011 29/01/2011
- LabView Programming SSTC, SSGI, Bhlai 09/12/2008 10/12/2008
- MATLAB & SIMULINK Programming SSTC,SSGI, Bhilai 04/05/2006 05/05/2006
Project Undertaken
- “Isolated Handwritten Devnagri character recognition using HMM”
- “Devnagri Numerals recognition using Fourier Descriptor”
- “Devnagri character and numerals recognition using Neural Network ”
- “Devnagri Special character recognition using Neural Network”
- “License Plate recognition using Neural Network”
- “Signature Recognition using fuzzy min-max Neural Network”
- “Face recognition using Eigen Value”.
- “Hand Gesture recognition using scale invariant feature transform”
- “Neural Network based offline Handwritten Signature Verification System using HU’s Moment Invariant Analysis”
- “Comparison of CBIR Techniques using DCT and FFT for Feature Vector Generation”
- “Image Watermarking using wavelet De-noising Method”