Educational Qualication | Ph.D |
Area of Interest | Image Processing, Internet of Things, Block Chain |
Research Projects
- “Implementation of Internet of Things for Tracking of Micro Inverter based Solar Power System” proposed in State Planning Commission Chhattisgarh, Rs 4,83,950.00 dated 15th Aug. 2021
Patent Published
- A Novel Inverter Topology for Solar Photovoltaic Converter, Application No. 202141035939, Publication Date: 13/08/2021)
Book Chapter:
- A Novel Inverter Topology for Solar Photovoltaic Converter, Application No. 202141035939, Publication Date: 13/08/2021)
Journals Publications
- A Survey Report on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Dr. Monisha Sharma and Dr. Samir Dashputre International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engg Vol.1, No. 2, Dec’2011 No
- Software implementation of Cyclic Abelian Elliptic Curve using MATLAB Prof. Samta Gajbhiye and Mrs. Deepti Aglawe, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 42(6), Mar’2012 pp: 43-48,
- Application of Elliptic Curve Method in Cryptography: A Literature Review Samta Gajbhiye,Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar, D r. Monisha Sharma,Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. M K Kowar (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies Vol. 3 (3) , 2012, Pp: 4499 - 4503
- Study of Finite Field over Elliptic Curve: ArithmeticMeans Samta Gajbhiye ,Sanjeev Karmakar, Monisha Sharma. Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 888) Volume 47– No.17, June 2012
- Attacks on Bluetooth and its Security: A Comprehensive Literature Review Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. The Journal of Applied Sciences Research Vol. 2(1):
2015 pp. 58-69
- Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement with Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 129(12)
2015 pp. 25-27
- Design and analysis of pairing protocol for Bluetooth enabled devices using R-LWE Lattice-based cryptograph Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. Journal of Information Security and Applications Vol. 35
2 017 pp. 444-50
Elsevier Ltd SCOPUS and UGC indexed, Elsevier Ltd
- Two-Party Secure Connection in Bluetooth Enabled Devices. Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S Information Security Journal-A Global Perspective Taylor Francis.
SCOPUS and UGC indexed
Conference Publications
- Identifting Characteristics of Baysian Inference Prof. Samta Gajbhiye , Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra ”, International conference on Science & Engineering 21-23 Jan’11
- Performance study of Apriori and DIC Algorithm Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra International conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS ICISA 2010 Feb 06, 2010
- Calendar based Temporal Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra International conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS ICISA 2010, Feb 06, 2010
- Performance study of Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining . Samta Gajbhiye,Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra 1st International conference on INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT – IISM’10, 10-12 Jun, 2010.
- Design, Implementation and Security Analysis of Bluetooth Pairing Protocol Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. . In: ICACCI 2016,. 23- 26 September 2016 pp. 1711-1717 IEEE 2016
- Paradigm Shift From Classical Cryptography To Quantum Cryptography Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. International Conference On Intelligent Sustainable Systems, 2017 pp. 548-555 IEEE> SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam
- Web personification by using Best first searching Technique Prof. Samta Gajbhiye & Mr. Girija Shankar Dewangan Tecnologia 2011 A National Conference 10-11 Mar’11 10-11 Mar’11
- Unidistance Encoding Scheme For Reduction Of Bus Transition Activity Prof. Samta Gajbhiye 5th Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress, 1st Mar ’07 , Pg 94, 28th Feb-
- An Automated Malnutrition Counseling System Using ID3 Technique Ms. Samta Gajbhiye, Pooja Agrawal 2nd National conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NCSE’09., 6th Nov’09
- NPTEL on line Certification (FDP), on Introduction to Internet of Things in Oct. 2021
- Stanford University on Line course on Introduction to Internet of Things successfully completed on 11th Jan. 2021.
- As Reviewer for “IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control”, STPEC 25-26 Sept. 2020, VNIT Nagpur.
- Invited Speaker, National Workshop on “Modelling, Simulation and Optimization”, Organized by Kruti Institute of Technology & Engineering, Raipur (CG), 12-17thFeb. 2016.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Coordinator, “AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) sponsored One week FDP on “Application of IoT in Environment, Medical Science & Human Life”, 4th to 8th Oct. 2021.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Robotics - An Application in Medical Science” organized by MANIT, Bhopal in association with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 1st -5th Dec. 2020
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life Member, Institute of Engineers (INDIA)
- Member of IEEE
- A Novel Inverter Topology for Solar Photovoltaic Converter, Application No. 202141035939, Publication Date: 13/08/2021)
Journals Publications
- A Survey Report on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Dr. Monisha Sharma and Dr. Samir Dashputre International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engg Vol.1, No. 2, Dec’2011 No
- Software implementation of Cyclic Abelian Elliptic Curve using MATLAB Prof. Samta Gajbhiye and Mrs. Deepti Aglawe, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 42(6), Mar’2012 pp: 43-48,
- Application of Elliptic Curve Method in Cryptography: A Literature Review Samta Gajbhiye,Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar, D r. Monisha Sharma,Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. M K Kowar (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies Vol. 3 (3) , 2012, Pp: 4499 - 4503
- Study of Finite Field over Elliptic Curve: ArithmeticMeans Samta Gajbhiye ,Sanjeev Karmakar, Monisha Sharma. Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 888) Volume 47– No.17, June 2012
- Attacks on Bluetooth and its Security: A Comprehensive Literature Review Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. The Journal of Applied Sciences Research Vol. 2(1): 2015 pp. 58-69
- Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement with Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 129(12) 2015 pp. 25-27
- Design and analysis of pairing protocol for Bluetooth enabled devices using R-LWE Lattice-based cryptograph Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. Journal of Information Security and Applications Vol. 35 2 017 pp. 444-50 Elsevier Ltd SCOPUS and UGC indexed, Elsevier Ltd
- Two-Party Secure Connection in Bluetooth Enabled Devices. Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S Information Security Journal-A Global Perspective Taylor Francis. SCOPUS and UGC indexed
Conference Publications
- Identifting Characteristics of Baysian Inference Prof. Samta Gajbhiye , Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra ”, International conference on Science & Engineering 21-23 Jan’11
- Performance study of Apriori and DIC Algorithm Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra International conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS ICISA 2010 Feb 06, 2010
- Calendar based Temporal Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining Prof. Samta Gajbhiye, Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra International conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS ICISA 2010, Feb 06, 2010
- Performance study of Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining . Samta Gajbhiye,Ms. Poonam Sao & Ms. Deepti Chandra 1st International conference on INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT – IISM’10, 10-12 Jun, 2010.
- Design, Implementation and Security Analysis of Bluetooth Pairing Protocol Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. . In: ICACCI 2016,. 23- 26 September 2016 pp. 1711-1717 IEEE 2016
- Paradigm Shift From Classical Cryptography To Quantum Cryptography Gajbhiye. S. Karmakar. S. Sharma. M. Sharma. S. International Conference On Intelligent Sustainable Systems, 2017 pp. 548-555 IEEE> SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam
- Web personification by using Best first searching Technique Prof. Samta Gajbhiye & Mr. Girija Shankar Dewangan Tecnologia 2011 A National Conference 10-11 Mar’11 10-11 Mar’11
- Unidistance Encoding Scheme For Reduction Of Bus Transition Activity Prof. Samta Gajbhiye 5th Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress, 1st Mar ’07 , Pg 94, 28th Feb-
- An Automated Malnutrition Counseling System Using ID3 Technique Ms. Samta Gajbhiye, Pooja Agrawal 2nd National conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NCSE’09., 6th Nov’09
- NPTEL on line Certification (FDP), on Introduction to Internet of Things in Oct. 2021
- Stanford University on Line course on Introduction to Internet of Things successfully completed on 11th Jan. 2021.
- As Reviewer for “IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control”, STPEC 25-26 Sept. 2020, VNIT Nagpur.
- Invited Speaker, National Workshop on “Modelling, Simulation and Optimization”, Organized by Kruti Institute of Technology & Engineering, Raipur (CG), 12-17thFeb. 2016.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Coordinator, “AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) sponsored One week FDP on “Application of IoT in Environment, Medical Science & Human Life”, 4th to 8th Oct. 2021.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Robotics - An Application in Medical Science” organized by MANIT, Bhopal in association with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 1st -5th Dec. 2020
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life Member, Institute of Engineers (INDIA)
- Member of IEEE