Educational Qualication | PhD, M.Tech. (Electrical Devices and power system ) |
Area of Interest | Electrical Machine ,Solar cell ,Automation(PLC, SCADA) |
Research Projects
- Collaborative research - CSVTU/CRP/TEQIP-III/35/17-08-2019 “Design of Solar based Efficient Hybrid Electric Vehicle”
Patent Published
- Application No.202121043165A , Publication Date : 29/10/2021 Title of the invention :Device for enhancing efficiency of electric rickshaw (e-rickshaw)
Journals Publications
- Design and Performance Improvements of Solar Based Efficient Hybrid Electric Vehicle, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS) (scopus/SCI)
- Ab- initio modelling for gas sensor device: based on Y-doped SnS2 monolayer , Physica E:Low-dimensional System and Nanostructures Doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.20210114962 (SCI)
- Optical Simulation of Different Photoactive Layer Thickness on Organic Solar Cell, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)ISSN : 2349-5162 Published in Volume 7 Issue 6 , June 2020
- Integrated phasor estimation technique to compensate effect of CCVT transient on distance protection. i-manager Journal ISSN: 2321-7499 Published in Volume 8 No. 1 , February –April 2020
- Effect of Series Resistance and Layer Thickness on PCE and Fill Factor in Organic Solar Cell with P3HT: PCBM Active Layer International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2019 S.NO.194, e-ISSN: 2395-0056
- Three phase to seven phase power converter using proportional integrator and transformer International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 5, Issue 12, December2018
- Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Approach for Electric Load Forecasting of CSPGCL Thermal Units IJCET Vol.3, No.4, ISSN 2277-4106 Page 1549-1552, October 2013
Conferences/ Seminars
- Gas Sensor device based on Pt-doped SnS2 Monolayer: Ab-initio Modelling, IEEE international conference on advance in Electrical , Computing , Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) 19-20 February 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECT49130.2021.9392613. (scopus)
- Structural ,Electronics and Optical properties of (P3HT)n in context of organic solar cell, IEEE international conference on advance in Electrical , Computing , Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) 19-20 February 2021. (scopus)
- Ab-initio Modling of functionalized 2D-Stanene nanostrusture in context of FET based toxic gas sensor ,IOP conference series: Material Science and engineering 1166012052 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1166/1/012052. (scopus)
- The effect of molecular twisting on electronic and transport properties of Chitosan: Ab initio approach, Materials Today : Proceedings ,Elsevier, doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.439 . (scopus)
- Presented a paper on “Quantum Dot Solar cell” in National Conference on Role of Science and Technology for sustainable Development of Chhattisgarh.25th January 2012.
- Presented a paper on “A Novel Algorithm for MPPT Control” in National Conference on Role of Science and Technology for sustainable Development of Chhattisgarh. 25th January 2012.
- Presented a paper on “A Novel Algorithm to minimize the excitation of undesirable oscillation” in National Conference organized by MPCET bhilai March 2011.
- Completed NPTEL online certificate course in Electric Vehicle Part-1 during the period Feb-march 2020 (04 weeks) and secured 71%.
- Completed NPTEL online certificate course in Introduction to internet of things during the period Jan-April 2020 (12 weeks) and secured score of 94%.
- As Reviewer for “IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) Conference, Mumbai during 1-3 July 2022.
- As Reviewer for “Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B ”.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Session In-charge in IEEE international conference on advance in Electrical , Computing , Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) 19-20 February 2021
- Session In-charge in IEEE international conference on advance in Electrical , Computing , Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) 21-22 April 2021
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Participated in workshop on “Material Modling for Device Application ” organized by SSTC SSGI bhilai under TEQIP-III, 18th to 23rd February 2019.
- Participated in STTP on “Soft computing Technique and their application in optimization problem of engineering and science ” organized by SSTC SSGI bhilai under TEQIP-III , 21st to 25th January 2019.
- One week faculty development programme on “Modelling and simulation of custom power devices for power quality improvement” under the aegis of Electronics and ICT academy , Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur , 19th to 23rd November 2018.
- Workshop on “Digital design through Arduino” Organized by IIT Hyderabad teaching learning centre. 13th August 2016.
- Two days training on “power system analysis and protection using MiPOWER software” conducted by Power research and development consultants (P) Ltd. Bangalore , 10th and 11th February 2016.
- Capacity Building workshop for energy auditors and energy managers Conducted by FCCI and Shakti Sustainable Energy foundation , 8th to 10th September 2015.
- Workshop on “Advance in PID control : Theory and Application” Organized by School Of Electrical science IIT Bhubaneswar , 11th to 12th July 2014.
- Workshop on “Modeling issue on NANOTECHNOLOGY” Organized by VNIT Nagpur in association with IIT-Bombay , 19th to 2st January 2012.
- Workshop on “Basic Course on Automation” Organized by Sitrain India (Siemens) in SSTC Bhilai C.G. Siemens Excellence center in center India , 25th to 29th November 2013.
- Workshop on PLC/SCADA/Drive Organized by IEEE student branch in SSTC Bhilai C.G 09th to 10th March 2013
- Certificate course on Auto CAD from CAD brain Bhilai , June 2013.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life time member of VijnanaBharathi (VIBHA) membership Id-22218.
- Associate member of IE (Institute of Engineers) membership Id - AM148801-8.