Faculty Profile
- Department of Computer Science Engineering
Prof.(Dr) R. K. Khare
Assistant Professor
Educational Qualication |
Ph.D |
Area of Interest |
Image Processing |
Journals Publications
- Gautam R. R., KhareR. K., (2011), A Comprehensive Paper on Mobile robot PathPlanning Using Wave Front Approach , International Journal of Tech., Vol. 01,Issue 2,pp 143-148.
- Gautam,R.R.,Khare,R.K.,(2012),RealTimeImageSecurityforMobileCommunicationUsingImageSteganography,InternationalJournalofEngineeringResearchand Technology,Vol. 01,Issue 8, pp 1-3.
- Ghose,R.,Khare,R. K.,(2013),AnElegantNeuralNetwork Baseddraw nearforcurrencyRecognition,IJECTE, Vol. 01, No.3, pp506-510.
- Ghose,R., Khare, R. K., (2013), A Study on Diverse Recognition Techniques for IndianCurrencyNote, IJESRT, Vol. 02, Issue. 6,pp 1143-1447.
- Ghore , S., Khare, R. K., (2013), A Review On Key Management Protocol for WSN,InternationalJournal ofWirelessNetworkandapplications,Vol.03, No.2,pp11-18.
- Singh, R. K., Khare, R. K., (2013), A Comprehensive Paper for Performance EvolutionBetweenDSDVandAODVRoutingprotocol,IJE&CS,Vol.2,Issue 12, pp3353-3359.
- Singh, R. K, Khare, R. K., (2014), A Comprehensive Paper on Performance AnalysisBetweenAODVandDCDVRoutingprotocol , IJE&CS,Vol.3,Issue 9, pp8256-8260.
- Sahu, G ., Khare, R.K., (2014), A survey on classification & future selection techniquebasedensemble modelin health caredomain, IJCT&A,Vol. 5, pp957-962.
- Sahu, G.,Khare, R. K.,(2014), Decision TreeClassification based Decision SupportSystemfor Derma Disease,IJCA, Vol. 94, No. 17,pp21-24.
- Palak V. Keshwani, Khare R. K, (2015), A Novel Data Hiding Scheme Based onFused Adaptive and Non Adaptive technique, International Journal of EngineeringandComputerScience,Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp 12465-12471.
- Khare, R. K., Sinha, G. R. and Kumar S., (2015), CAD for Lung Cancer Detection: AReview, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER),Vol.02, Issue 07, pp 333-338.
- Khare, R. K., Sinha, G. R. and Kumar S., (2017), Fuzzy Based Contrast EnhancementMethod for Lung Cancer CT Images, International Journal Of Engineering And ComputerScience,Vol. 6 ,Issue 5, pp21201-21204.
- Khare, R. K., Sinha, G. R. and Kumar S., (2017), Mass Segmentation Techniques ForLungCancerCTImages,InternationalJournalonRecentandInnovationTrendsinComputingand Communication, Vol.5,Issue 11, pp184-187.
- Khare, R. K., Sinha, G. R. and Kumar S., (2017), Cancer Detection Using Neuro FuzzyClassifier in CT Images, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science&Communication Engineering, Vol. 3,Issue12, pp 258-261.
- Sahu S. K. , Khare, R. K., (2019). "Survey on Web based Operating Systems” Journalof Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research”, ISSN: 2349-5162, JETIR June2019,Vol 6,Issue6 , pp414-419.
- Sahu S. K., Khare, R. K., (2020). "DDOS Attacks & Mitigation Techniques in CloudComputingEnvironments " GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE, ISSN / eISSN : 0921-5077/ 1875-7235 , Volume-33,Issue -02 , pp.2426-2435.
- Chatterjee A., Khare, R. K., (2020). "A Review on Protecting Encrypted
SpatialDataUsingGeometricRangeQuery”,AlochanaChakraJournal,UGCcareGroup IJournal, Vol 9,Issue 8.
- Chatterjee A., Khare, R. K., (2020). "Privacy Protecting Encrypted Spatial DataUsing Geometric Range Query”, Journal of Engineering Science, UGC care Group IIJournal, Vol 11,Issue3
Conference Publications
- Khare R. K, “An Assessment of Granular Neural Network for Face Recognition”International Conference Shaastrarth, Rungta Group Of Institution ” Bhilai,Mar23th-24th2014.
- Sahu,G.,KhareR.K,“ApplyingDecisionTreeForHealthcareDataClassification as Decision Support System” International Conference Shaastrarth,RungtaGroupOf Institution” Bhilai,Mar23th-24th2014.
- Palak V. Keshwani, Khare R. K, “A Survey and Analysis on Novel Data HidingScheme Based on Fused Adaptive and Non Adaptive Methods ofSteganography ”National Conference on Knowledge Innovation In Technology and Engineering(NCKITE), KITE, Raipur,Apr10th-11th2015.