Educational Qualication | Ph.D |
Area of Interest | Field of specialization: Electronics, Solid State Physics, Spectroscopy, Electro –Optical studies etc Photoconductivity studies, Nanoparticle Studies |
Research Projects
- Awarded a project as PI (completed) entitled “Investigation on structural and optical properties of some CdS type nanoparticle films” under SERC Fast Track Proposals for young scientist by Govt. of India, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi. [SR/FTP /PS-29/2005].
- Awarded a MODROB Project as Co-PI for lab development worth Rs.13 lakhs (completed) by AICTE [8024/RID/BOR/MOD-302/2008-2009].
- Awarded a TEQIP-III project as PI (completed) entitled “Nanotechnology for sustainable development” No.CSVTU/CRP/TEQIP-III/33 (2019-2021).
- Awarded a TEQIP-III project as Co- PI (completed) entitled “Studies of luminescence properties of rare earth doped and codoped phosphors” No.CSVTU/CRP/TEQIP-III/31 (2019-2021).
Book Chapter
- Dr. Mimi Akash Pateria (2022) “An Analysis on the Exploration of Nanotechnology in Modern Day Research” Ref. No: MRES-01-07(accepted) in Modern Research and Environmental Sustainability (Volume - 1) published by AkiNik Publications info@akinik.com, New Delhi
Journals Publications
- Goverdhan Yadu, M. Akash Pateria, K. Deshmukh “Study of Ho doped (Cd-Ag)S thin films prepared by CBD method” Optical and Quantum Electronics 53: 320 pp 1-11, 2021https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-021-02828-9
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria “Structural and optical properties of Pr doped CuInS2 thin films synthesized by chemical bath deposition” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1120 : 012013 pp 1-12, 2021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1120/1/012013
- K. K Pathak., Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh. “Structural, optical and electrical properties of neodymium doped CdSe thin films” Int. J. Thin. Fil. Sci. Tech. 9, No.2, 151 – 158. 2020
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH, “Study of Ho Doped Ag2S Thin Films Prepared by CBD Method” Material Poland, ISSN 2083-134X 38 (I) 2020 PP 206-213. 2020
- Pathak. K. K., Pateria. Mimi Akash, Deshmukh. Kusumanjali, and Jha. Piyush, Effect of Sm concentration on optical and electrical properties of CdSe nanocrystalline thin film, Materials Science Poland, 37(1), pp. 33-38. 2019
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, K. Deshmukh.. Structural and morphological studies of Sm doped and un-doped CuInS2 nanocrystalline films with chalcopyrite-wurtzite polytypism structure, Optoelectronics and advanced materials – Rapid communications 12: 475 – 479. 2018
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH., “Structural and Optical Properties of Ho, Pr Doped Rare Earth Element in Ag2S Thin Film Obtains by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique”, Chalcogenide Letters. Vol. 15, No. 2, p. 63 - 73 ISSN 1584-8663 2018.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, K. Deshmukh. Holmium doped copper indium sulphide thin films with polytypsim structure synthesized by chemical bath deposition method, i-managers Journal on Material Science, 7(1):39-43. 2019.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria. Synthesis of CuInS2 thin film by chemical bath deposition and characterization, i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 6 l: 1-7. 2018.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria.Effect of Doping of Rare Earth Element Sm on CuInS2 Films Synthesized by CBD Method and Characterization, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology,6, ,E-ISSN: 2321-9637. 2018
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, K. Deshmukh. Chemical Bath Deposited CuInS2 Thin Films and Their Characterization, IJSRSET, 4, ISSN: 2395-1990. 2018.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, K. Deshmukh. Optical Properties of CuInS2Thin Film by Chemical BathDeposition Method, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 5, ISSN 2349-4476. 2017.
- K. K. Pathak., Mimi Akash Pateria and Kusumanjali,Deshmukh. Comparative Study of optical and electrical properties of CdSe:Sm and CdSe:Nd nanocrystalline thin film, Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(1) 67-69, UGC listed No. 10452 (ISSN 09762973). 2018.
- K. K. Pathak., Mimi Akash Pateria, Kusumanjali,Deshmukh, and Piyush Jha., Optical and electrical properties of neodymium doped cadmium selenide nanocrystalline thin film, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 5 795-798, UGC listed No. 45842 (ISSN 23219653). 2017.
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH. ,“Structural and Optical Properties of Chemically Deposited Pr,Ho Doped Ag2S Films”, IJSRSET, Volume 4 ,Issue 6,p.109-120, Print ISSN: 2395-1990 ,Online ISSN : 2394-4099. 2018.
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH, “Studies on semiconducting properties of chemically deposited doped and undoped silver sulphide film”, Research Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 6(2), 1-8, ISSN 2320–4796. 2018.
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH, ,“Comprehensive Study of (Cd-Ag)S Semiconducting Thin Film”,DAMA International ,ISJ ,Volume- 2 Special Issue-1,p104-108, ISSN: 2348 – 604X (p); 2348 – 6058 (e). 2015.
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH., 2015,“Photoconductivity Studies of Ag2S Semiconducting Thin Film”, DAMA International, ISJ ,Volume- 2 Special Issue-1,p40-44, ISSN: 2348 – 604X (p); 2348 – 6058 (e). 2015.
- G.YADU, M. A. PATERIA, K.DESHMUKH “Studies on Optical and Structural Properties of Ag2S Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition Method”, IJMRME, Vol. I, Issue-I, p. 296-301 ISSN 2454-6119. 2015
- K. K. Pathak, Goverdhan Yadu , Mimi Akash Pateria and Kusumanjali Deshmukh “Studies on Optical & Structural Properties of Ag2S Films Prepared by Chemical Bath deposition method “International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Modern Education ISSN-2454-6119. Volume 1 2015
- Kusumanjali Deshmukh, Mimi Mukherjee, Shashi Bhushan and R C Agrawal: Effect of thioglycerol capping on morphology and structure of chemically deposited CdS:NaF,La filmsRecent Research in Science and Technology, Vol 4, No 8 2012
- Kusumanjali Deshmukh, Mimi Mukherjee and Shashi Bhushan: Structural and optical studies on La doped CdS nanocrystalline films. Turkish Journal of Physics, 35, 1-13 2011
- Kusumanjali Deshmukh, S Bhushan and M. Mukherjee: Studies on nanocrystalline properties of Chemical Deposited Pr doped CdS films, Chalcogenide letters,7(1): 11-19. 2010
- K. Deshmukh, M. Mukherjee& S. Bhushan : Radiation effects & Defects in solids (Taylor and Francis, USA) “Optical Studies on La doped CdS films with Nanocrystalline Properties” (Under revision).
- Mohan L. Verma, R.C. Agrawal and Mimi Mukherjee: "Space Charge Depolarization of Wurtzite or Zinc Blend Structured Silver Iodide : Modeling of Preliminary Studies” Radiation effects & Defects in solids (Taylor and Francis, USA) Vol.161(4), pp.225-233 2006
- M. Mukherjee and S. Bhushan: “Photoconductive properties of some chemically deposited (Cd-Pb)S films” Radiation effects & Defects in solids (Taylor and Francis - USA) Vol.158, pp.681-687. 2003
- M. Mukherjee and S. Bhushan: “Effect of CdCl2 on the photoconductivity of chemically deposited neodymium doped (Cd-Pb)S films” J. Opt. Mat. (Elsevier North Holland) Vol.22 pp.51-57. 2003
- S. Bhushan, M. Mukherjee and P.Bose: “Electro – optical studies in chemically deposited La/Nd doped (Cd-Pb)S films ” J. Mat. Sci. (Materials in Electronics) (Kluwer Acad. Publ. USA) Vol.13. pp.581-584. 2002
- S. Bhushan, M. Mukherjee and P. Bose: “Photoconductivity of chemically deposited La/Nd doped (Cd-Pb)S films” Radiation effects & Defects in solids (Gorden & Breach, USA) Vol.153 pp.367-377. 2001
- M. Mukherjee, P.Bose and S.Bhushan: “Electro – optical studies in chemically deposited Sm/Pr doped (Cd-Pb)S films” Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys. Vol.39 pp.804-809 2001
Conferences/ Seminars
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, K. Deshmukh,“Pr doped copper indium sulphide thin films synthesized by chemical bath deposition method”, International conference held on 7-10th Jan 2019 at RSSU, Raipur.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria,“Chemical Bath Deposited CuInS2 Thin Films and Their Characterization”, National conference held on 16-17th Feb 2018 at SSGI, Bhilai
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, “Synthesis and photoconductivity studies of CuInS2 thin films prepared by using CBD method”, National conference AICON -18 on Disruptive technologies held on 20-21stApril 2018 at CSIT, Durg.
- S. Sengupta, M. A. Pateria, “Preparation and characterization of CuInS2 thin film by chemical bath deposition method”, National conference on Research challenges in Nano science & Technology, BITCON 2017.
- K. K. Pathak, Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha., Photoluminescence Study of Nd doped CdSe Nanocrystalline Thin Film Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition Method, ‘National conference BITCON-2017 on Research Challenges in Nano Science & Technology’, held at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg on March 28, 2017.
- K. K. Pathak, Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha.,, Photoluminescence Study of Sm doped CdSe Nanocrystalline Thin Film Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition Method, ‘National Conference on Signal Processing, Sustainable Energy Materials and Astronomy and Astrophysics (NSSEMA -2017)’, held at SOS in Electronics & Photonics and SOS in Physics & Astrophysics Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur on March 28-30, 2017
- K. K. Pathak, Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha., Comparative studies on optical properties of CdSe, CdSe:Ag and CdSe:Mn nanocrystalline thin film, ‘National Seminar on Value and Importance of Mathematical Physics’, held at Govt. Rajeev Lochan College, Rajim on Dec 5, 2015.
- K. K. Pathak, Goverdhan Yadu,Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha. Optical properties of CdSe nanocrystalline thin film, ‘National Conference on Recent Advances in Physics (NCRAP-2015)’, held at Sant Guru Ghasidas Government Post Graduate College Kurud Dist-Dhamtari (C.G.) October 28-29, 2015.
- K. K. Pathak, Goverdhan Yadu,Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha. Optical properties of CdSe nanocrystalline thin film by chemical deposition method, ‘National Seminar on emerging Trends in Physics (ETP-2015)’, held at Sant Guru Ghasidas Government Post Graduate College Kurud Dist-Dhamtari (C.G.) 07 Sep 2015.
- K. K. Pathak, Goverdhan Yadu,Mimi Akash Pateria., Kusumanjali Deshmukh., and Piyush Jha. Optical properties of CdSe nanocrystalline thin film by chemical deposition method, ‘National Seminar on emerging Trends in Physics (ETP-2015)’, held at Sant Guru Ghasidas Government Post Graduate College Kurud Dist-Dhamtari (C.G.) 07 Sep 2015.
- Goverdhan Yadu, K. K. Pathak, , Mimi Akash Pateria and Kusumanjali Deshmukh “Studies on optical, structural and photoconducting properties of silver sulphide semiconducting thin film using mathematical rule”UGC sponsored national seminar on value and importance of mathematical physics held on 5th December 2015 Govt. Rajeev Lochan college, Rajim district, Gariaband
- K. Deshmukh. M. Mukherjee& S. Bhushan : International Symposium for Research Scholars, 2008; held during 10-12 Dec., 2008 at I.I.T., Madras “ Characterization of chemically synthesized nano- crystalline CdS films”.
- Mohan L Verma, Mimi Mukherjee and Arti Verma, “Structural characterization of nano-crystalline CdS by digital image processing” under publishing process in the proceeding of International conference of Interdisciplinary approach in physical sciences : growing trends and recent advances held on 12-14 Jan 2008 at Guru Ghansidas University Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) India
- Mohan L. Verma,Mimi Mukherjee, B.K. Rao and Lalit K. Bhaiya : National Conference in Recent Trends in Material Science (RTMS06) 24- 25 March 2006, North Maharastra University Jalgaon (MS) " A preliminary modeling of space charge dielectric constant of nanocomposite [0.9Agl :0.1 Si02] : modeling. Published in Proceeding of conference.
- Mohan L. Verma,B.K. Rao and Mimi Mukherjee -“Modeling and evaluation of Ag+ diffusion in nanocomposite electrolyte 0.9AgI:0,1SiO2” Published in proceedings of National Conference on Physics of Nano Structured Functional Materials, 16-17March 2007 p.52-56.
- Mimi Mukherjee, Mohan L. Verma, S. Bhushan and Purna Bose, “Electro-optical studies of chemically deposited Lanthanum/Neodymium doped (Cd-Pb)S films” Published in proceedings of National Conference on Physics of Nano Structured Functional Materials, 16-17March 2007 p.78-82.
- M. Mukherjee, T. Chandra and S.Bhushan: Proc. Of 45th DAE SSP Symp. held at Univ. of Punjab, Chandigarh during Dec. 26-30, 2002. “Electro – optical studies in chemically deposited (Cd-Pb)S films’
- M. Mukherjee, P.Bose and S.Bhushan: Proc. Of 44th DAE SSP Symp. held at BARC Mumbai during Dec. 26-30, 2001. “Photoconductivity of chemically deposited films and rare earth deposited films of II-VI compounds”
- M. Mukherjee, A. Srivastava and S.Bhushan: Proc. Of Intl. Workshop on preparation and characterisation of technologically important single crystals held at NPL, ND during Feb. 26-28, 2001. pp. 634-639. “Effect of CdCl2 on the photoconductivity of chemically deposited (Cd-Pb)S films” This paper was selected under the category of young scientist award
- M. Mukherjee, P.Bose and S.Bhushan: Proc. Of DAE SSP Symp. held at IGCAR, Kalpakkam during Dec. 20-24,1999. Vol. 42, PP. 441-443 “Photoconductivity of chemically deposited undoped and Sm/Pr doped (Cd-Pb)S films”
- P.Bose, M. Mukherjee, and S.Bhushan: Proc. Of Nat. Seminar on Lum. & its application held at Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur during Dec.16-18th, 2001. Vol. IX pp. 82-86 “Photoluminescence in La/Nd doped (Cd-Pb)S films”
- Was awarded Ravishankar University Fellowship [1999] for JRF
- Was awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) [2002] by CSIR, New Delhi
- Research work used at the cover page of Journal ‘Optical Materials’ (Elsevier North Holland) in the issue of June 2004
- Was offered to work in collaboration with Dr. Fink, Hahn Meitner University, Germany
- Was selected amongst the 16th young Physicist to present a paper in YPC-2001 held at SINP, Kolkatta
- Was invited to present a no. of papers/talks at various National/International forums
- Was invited as judge/ Chief guest in various schools and colleges of Chhattisgarh state
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Convenor of a “National conference onGreen Technology for Sustainable Development” held on 16th-17th February 2018 [GTSD-2018] at SSEC, SSTC, Bhilai
- Convenor of a “National workshop on Physics & applications of Luminescence to Nanoscience, Radiation Dosimetry and Geology (NWPAL-09)” held on Dec. 3-4, 2009 at SSCET, Bhilai
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Optoelectronics- Advanced Materials and devices (OAMD)” organized by SSTC, Bhilai in association with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 1st -5th Feb.. 2022
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Materials Modeling for Nanoscience, Engineering and devices (MMNED)” organized by SSTC, Bhilai in association with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 2 – 6 Nov. 2020
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Luminescence Society of India (LM 271)
- Indian Physics association (LM 12446)
- Indian society for technical education (LM 40810)
- Indian association of Physics teachers (L 4780)