Educational Qualication | Ph.D, M.Phil, M.Sc |
Area of Interest | Luminescence, Material Science, Opto - electronic devices, solid state materials. |
Research Projects
- “Studies of luminescence properties of rare earth doped and codoped phosphors” funded by TEQIP-III Cell, Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.) of amount 2 lakhs. Dated 17.08.2019
- “Nanotechnology for sustainable development” funded by TEQIP-III Cell, Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.) of amount 1.5 lakhs. Dated 17.08.2019
Patent Published
- A trivalent terbium activated Sr2(BO3)Cl Green light emitting Phoshors compound for solid state lighting and a method for synthesizing the compound. Application no: 2021104279 Date of Award: 18.07.2021
Journals Publications
- D. Kanwate , E. U. Masumdar , V.R. Panse , Mikael Syvajarvi, Manmeet Kaur, "Characterizations of Spray Deposited CdTe Thin Film", YMER, VOLUME 20 : ISSUE 11 (Nov) - 2021 9,page no 83-90. (scopus publication) DOI: 10.37896/YMER20.11/9
- Manmeet Kaur, Prashant K. sahu , D.P. Bisen , V.R. Panse and Prabhjot Singh "Thermoluminescence glow curve analysis with variable concentration of Erbium doped Y2O3 phosphor",Macromolecular Symposia, 2021, 400, 2100068- wiley publication.. https://doi.org/10.1002/masy.202100068. (SCI Journal)
- V. R. Panse, G. Rahate, A. Saregar, M. Kaur, and A. Dixit. “Analysis of Sr2Mg (BO3)2Tb3+ green emitting phosphor for solid state lighting: Implication for light emitting diode (LED),” Int. J. Electron. Commun. Syst., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 33–39, 2021. https://doi.org/10.24042/ijecs.v1i1.9334
- Shailendra Verma, Anup Mishra, Manmeet kaur and Nirbhay K. Singh: "Synthesis and Thermoluminescence Property of Green Emitting Tb3+ Activated Calcium Silicate Phosphor", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDC), Vol. 10, 12-Special Issue,104-109, 2018. ISSN – 1943- 023X. (SCOPUS)
- Shailendra Verma, Anup Mishra, Manmeet kaur and Nirbhay K. Singh: "Luminescence Property of Erbium Doped Calcium Silicate Phosphor Prepared by Combustion Reaction Method"; Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDC), Vol. 10, 12-Special Issue, 110-116, 2018. ISSN – 1943- 023X. (SCOPUS)
- Shailendra Verma, Anup Mishra, Manmeet kaur and Nirbhay K. Singh, "SEM,XRD and Photoluminescence Behaviour Erbium Doped Calcium Silicate Phosphor", International journal of research in Electronics and computer science (IJRECE), 6(2), 1766-70, 2018.
- Shailendra Verma, Anup Mishra, Manmeet kaur and Nirbhay K. Singh ,"Comparative Analysis of Luminescence Property of Tb3+ and Er3+ Activated Calcium Silicate Phosphor", International journal of computer science and engineering (IJCSE), 6(10), 108-114, 2018. UGC APPROVED. ISSN- 2347-2693.
- Manmeet Kaur, D.P. Bisen, N. Brahme, Prabhjot Singh: "Investigation of Thermoluminesce characteristics of Y2O3:Er3+ Nanophosphors": Radiation Protection Dosimetry: Volume 173, Issue 4, 15 April, 293–301, 2017. ISSN - 0144-8420. https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncw014. SCI JOURNAL
- Manmeet Kaur, D.P. Bisen, N. Brahme, Prabhjot singh, Ishwar Prasad Sahu: "Photoluminescence Properties of Rare Earth Doped (Er3+,Yb3+) Y2O3 Nanophosphors By Combustion Synthesis Method; Luminescence : the journal of Biological and Chemical luminescence", Vol 31(3), 728- 737, 2016.. ISSN – 1522-7235. SCI JOURNAL
- Manmeet Kaur, D.P. Bisen, N. Brahme, Prabhjot Singh: "Thermoluminescence property of y2o3:yb3+ doped nanophosphors"; CSVTU journal of Advanced Material Engineering; 7, 65-70, 2014. ISSN -0974-8725.
- Manmeet Kaur, D.P. Bisen, N. Brahme, Prabhjot Singh; "Morphological and structural studies of erbium (Er3+) and ytterbium doped (Yb3+) yttrium oxide nanophosphor prepared by combustion synthesis method"; journals of engineering computers and applied science; vol. 3, No 7, 25-28, 2014. ISSN – 2319-5606. (UGC)
- M. Kaur, D.P. Bisen, N. Brahme; "Studies on thermoluminescence parameters of erbium doped Y2O3 nanophosphors"; Recent research in science and technology, 4(8), 80-81 , 2012. ISSN - 2076-5061. (UGC)
Conferences/ Seminars
- National conference on Advances in smart nanomaterials (BITCON 2021) conducted on 22-23 october 2021 organized by Department of Applied Physics at Bhilai Institute of technology, Durg.
- International webinar Nanoscience 2021 conducted on 28th to 30th july 2021 organised by department of Physics, Christian College kattakada, kerela.
- Sixth International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS-2021) conducted on 23rd and 24th April 2021 organized by post graduate department of physics and IQAC of Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra.
- National webinar on values and value education conducted on 21st July 2020 organized by IQAC, Govt. V.Y.T. PG. Autonomous College, Durg (C.G.).
- National webinar on Webinar on Government e-Marketplace conducted on 7 July 2020 organized by the National Project Implementation Unit & hosted by State Project Implementation Unit-U.P.
- National webinar on Recent innovations in luminescence and polymer materials conducted on 30th June 2020 organized by Dept of Applied Physics, SSTC at Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai.
- National webinar on Gender equality and women rights conducted on 30 june 2020 organized by chhattisgarh swami vivekanand technical university, bhilai under TEQIP III through google meet.
- National Workshop on materials modeling for device applications (WMMDA- 2019) conducted on 18-23 February, 2019 organized by Dept of Applied Physics, SSTC at Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai.
- International conference on luminescence and its application (ICLA 2019) conducted on 7 – 10 January 2019 organized by SOS in physics and Astrophysics, Raipur and Luminescence Society of India, Baroda and co-organized by Department of Physics, NIT and Department of Physics, Govt. N.S College Raipur at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla university, Raipur.
- 3rd International conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICITEASM - 2018) conducted on 24th june 2018 organized by Conference info in association with Academic Science, at Osmania University Centre for International Programme, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
- 3rd International conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, science, Management and Humanities (ICNFESMH -2018) conducted on 17th june 2018 organized by Conference info in association with Academic Science, at Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture, senapaati Bajpat Road, pune Maharashtra, India.
- National conference on Nanostructured Materials and their Characterization (BITCON 2015) conducted on 20-21 February 2015 organized by Department of Applied Physics at Bhilai Institute of technology, Durg.
- National conference on luminescence and its application (NCLA 2014) conducted on 5 -7 February 2014 Organized by Department of post graduate studies and research in Physics and Electronics and luminescence society of India at Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya M.P.
- International workshop on materials Modelling and simulation (IWMMS) conducted on 24th -27th june 2013 organized by Department of Applied Physics at Shri Shankaracharya Group of institutions, junwani, C.G.
- National seminar on nanomaterials: synthesis and application (NSNSA 2013) conducted on 4 - 6 March 2013 organized by Department of Physics at Govt. autonomous post Graduate College Chhindwara (M.P).
- National conference on Novel material and their Applications (NCNMA 2012) conducted on 16 -17 October 2012 organized by Arts and commerce Girls college Devendra Nagar Raipur, C.G.
- National workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conducted at 12 march 2012 organized by Department of Physics at Christian College Of Engineering and Technology.
- National workshop on Physics and application of luminescence to nanoscience, radiation dosimetry and geology conducted on 3 – 4 December 2009 jointly organized by SSCET and SSEC, junwani at SSCET, Junwani.
- National symposium For material research scholar (MR09) conducted on 8- 9th May 2009 at IIT Bombay in the department of metallurgical engineering and material science.
- National conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conducted on 12-13 january 2009 organized by Department of Applied Physics at SSCET, Junwani.
- National conference on Advances in physics and its application (BITCON 2008) conducted on 7-8 november 2008 organized by Department of Applied Physics at Bhilai Institute of technology, Durg.
- NPTEL on line Certification (FDP)- Elite Certificate on "Research Writing” Feb –Mar 2018.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Convenor: National webinar on Recent innovations in luminescence and polymer materials conducted on 30th june 2020.
- Organizing committee Member, “AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) sponsored One week FDP on “Optoelectronics- Advanced materials and devices”, 1st to 5th Feb. 2022.
- Organizing committee Member, “AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) sponsored One week FDP on “Material Modelling for nano - Electronic devices”, 2nd to 6th Nov 2020.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Entrepreneurship development programme of 15 days organised by MSME held at Shri Shankaracharya Technical campus, SSGI, Bhilai, CG from 07th-21st january 2016.
- Two weeks STTP on Engineering Physics organised by MHRD held at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg from 8 -18 December 2015.
Faculty Development Programme Attented
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) " Recent Developments in Physical Sciences" organized by PG Department of Physics, DAV college, Amritsar sponsored under star College Scheme of DBT, Gov. of India., 14th - 20th July 2021.
- Two week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Managing online classes and co creating MOOCS 3.0” organized by Ramanujan college, delhi Under the aegis of ministry of human resource development pandit madan mohan malaviya national mission on teachers and teaching (PMMMNMTT), 25th July – 10th August 2020 and obtained A grade.
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Harnessing solar energy for reducing carbon footprint” organized by SSTC Bhilai and IEEE students branch and Institute of engineer from 16th – 20th June 2020.
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Green Future Resources and Sustainable Development” organized by SSTC Bhilai and CSVTU Bhilai on 15th-16th June 2019.
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Motivational Empowerment and stress management” organized by SSTC Bhilai and CSVTU Bhilai 11th june 2019.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life time membership in Luminescence Society of India, Baroda India. Membership No: 0799
- Life time membership in Indian Physics Association (IPA). Membership No:GEM/LM/13535.