Educational Qualication | M.Tech, Ph.D |
Area of Interest | Water and Waste water treatment |
Research Projects
- Sustainable Self- Healing Concrete with Aggregate Replacement for Road and Pipe line, DST, amount-23,58,450/- (Status under review)
Journals Publications
- Dr Kruti B Jethwa , Role of Soil and Plants in Phosphorus Retention in Constructed Wetlands with Special Focus on Lateritic Soil: A Review , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056, 3619-326, july-2021 (An ISO & UGC Care certified peer reviewed multi disciplinary journal)
- Dr Kruti B Jethwa, A Review on Design Basis for Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 9 Issue VIII Aug 2021, 373-377, 2021 https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2021.37163 (An ISO & UGC Care certified peer reviewed multi disciplinary journal).
- Dr Kruti Jethwa, Dr Umank Mishra Modelling of constructed wetland performance for domestic wastewater, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Volume 9, Issue 8, July-2021(An ISO & UGC Care certified peer reviewed multi disciplinary journal).
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai, Plants used in constructed wetlands: a review, Journal Of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 0974-2115, Page(s): 4-10, 2016, Indexing: Scopus
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai, A review on design basis for constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and K-C model, Journal: Pollution research, Manuscript no. PR-726, Indexing: Scopus journal , Poll Res. 37 (4): 155-160 (2018). ISSN 0257–8050
Conferences/ Seminars
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari “Plants used in constructed wetlands: a review” Proceeding of International Conference on Civil, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCMEET 2016) 26 & 27 February 2016, Venue: SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India – 642 203, page 29.
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari “A review on the constructed wetlands for municipal sewage treatment” Proceedings of Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016), 17-19 March 2016, page no.72(Id-1-IC-1438)
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari “Wastewater Nutrient Removal Through Phytoremidiation: A Review Proceedings of 49th Annual Convention of the Indian Water Works Association, held in Nagpur from 19th to 21st January, 2017, 1-7.
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari “Phosphorus retention in lateritic soil having a mix of wetland plants using domestic sewage ASCE India Conference proceedings: Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies 2018, 238-248.
- Kruti patel, Mansoor Ahmed “Solar water disinfection” Paper presented in National Conference in SUIEMS-08 (Sustainable urban environment: Issues and management strategies) 27-29 February, 2008. at SVNIT, Surat.
- Kruti patel, Mansoor Ahmed “Comparative effectiveness of solar disinfection using different backing surfaces as well as using CPCs” Paper presented in Indo Italian Conference on Emerging Trends in Waste Management Technologies (ETWMT 2009), MIT Pune.
Book/Chapter Publications
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari , Application of a Low-Cost Technology to Treat Domestic Sewage and to Improve Fertility of a Barren Lateritic Soil, 2020,Chapter 11 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 R. M. Singh et al. (eds.), Environmental Processes and Management, Water Science and Technology Library 91, pp-201-223,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38152-3_11
- Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai and P. K. Chaudhari , 2022, Performance of Different Plant Species in Treatment of Domestic Sewage in Shallow Lateritic Soil Media Constructed Wetlands PP-101-116, Modern Research and Environmental Sustainability (Volume - 1)
- M-tech gold medalist from NIT Raipur
- As Reviewer for “Ecology Engineering Journal, Elsevier publication
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- STTP on-Probability & stastistics with applications in science and engineering, NIT, Raipur
- STTP on-Environmental challenges and remedies, NIT,Raipur
- STTP on- Soil testing, IGKV,Raipur
- STTP on- testing methods in civil engineering construction, NIT,Raipur
- Workshop on Construction of low volume roads on soft soil improved by locally available marginal materials, NIT, Raipur
- Capacity building in water governance and technical writeup, Indian water works association, Raipur
- Air Pollution Source Control and Modelling, SVNIT-Surat
- Waste management techniques with special attention to covid-19 waste (online mode) at NIT, Surat.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Institute of Engineers