Education Qualication | B.E.(IT), M.TECH (CSE) |
Area of Interest | Cyber Security, Ecommerce |
Journals Publications
- A. Mollahosseini, D. Chan and M. H. Mahoor, "Going deeper in facial expression recognition using deep neural networks," 2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Lake Placid, NY, 2016, pp. 1-10.
- Mohammad Da'san, Amin Alqudah and Olivier Debeir, “ Face Detection using Viola and Jones Method and Neural Networks” IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research , pp 40-43,2015.
- Meher, Sukanya Sagarika, and Pallavi Maben. "Face recognition and facial expression identification using PCA." In Advance Computing Conference, 2014 IEEE International, pp. 1093- 1098. IEEE, 2014.
- Ma. Christina D. Fernandez, Kristina Joyce E. Gob, Aubrey Rose M. Leonidas, Ron Jason J. Ravara, Argel A. Bandala and Elmer P. Dadios “Simultaneous Face Detection and Recognition using Viola-Jones Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks for Identity Verification” , pp 672-676, 2014 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, 2014.
- Sisodia, Priya, Akhilesh Verma, and Sachin Kansal. "Human Facial Expression Recognition using Gabor Filter Bank with Minimum Number of Feature Vectors." International Journal of Applied Information Systems, Volume 5 – No. 9, July 2013 pp. 9-13.