Educational Qualication | Ph.D, M. E. (Thermal Engg.), B. E. (Mech.) |
Area of Interest | Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning, Environmental management. |
Journals Publications
- J. K. Tiwari, Abhishek sahu, Shashank Mishra “Performance and Experimental Analysis of Roselle oil as Bio-diesel Blend on Four Stroke, Diesel Engine’ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 9, September 2017.
- J. K. Tiwari, “Performance and Experimental analysis of a Safflower biodiesel and Diesel blends on C.I. Engine” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08, Aug -2017.
- J. K. Tiwari, “A Comprehensive report on thermodynamic analysis - Gas turbine based power cycles”, International journal for scientific research and development ISSN: 2321-0613, Vol.5, issue (5), June 2017.
- J. K. Tiwari, “Energy and excergy analysis of a 26mw thermal power plant” International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 9, ISSN (Online): pp. 2347 – 4718, May-2016.