Educational Qualication | Ph.D(Pursuing) MTech., BE |
Area of Interest | Image & Signal Processing, VLSI, Digital |
Journals Publications
- Low Power 4-Bit Ripple Carry Adder Design in 50nm” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 5 ,Issue 6, June-2016, ISSN, No-2320-3765
- “Comparison and Analysis of Combinational Circuit Using Different Logic Styles“International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE),Vol 5, Issue 4, April,2016, ISSN, No- 2278-1021
- “A SURVEY ON IMAGE SCALING TECHNIQUES”International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics,Vol. 11, Issue. 7, Nov-2015,ISSN, No-2320-9569.
- “VLSI Architecture for Image Scaling Based On the Edge Adaptive Area Pixel Model” International Journal of Innovative Science. Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 11, November 2015, ISSN, No-2348-7968
- “Static Power Reduction of a pulse Enhanced Flip Flop” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, Volume 2 Issue 5, May 2014. ISSN, No-2347-3878
- “Boundary Tracing Method For Object Recognition and It’s Use In MRI Image” International Engineering Research Journal, Volume 1,Issue 1,Sep-2012,ISSN No(Print)-2229-6174.
Conferences/ Seminars
- “Implementation of RSA Algorithm with VHSL for Secure Communication “in BITCON_2008” Organized by Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg on 7-8 November 2008.
- “VHDL: an Introduction” in TECHNOLOGIA-2008 Organized by M.P Christian college of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai on 14th& 15th March, 2008.
- “Practical Data Mining In a Large Utility Company “in TECHNOMELANGE 2008” Organized by Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg 16th Feb 2008.
- “Device Modeling & Simulation Using Millimeter Wave” In the National Conference on IST –ID 2008 held on 4-5 January 2008 at RECT Bhilai
- “Dedlurring Images Using The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm “In Technovision 2007, Organized by Shri Shankaracharya college of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai on 26-27 October 2007.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Participated in the “NPTEL”Awareness Workshoporganized by shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus,Bhilai,on 17th January,2017
- Participated in the short Term course on” Advanced Image Processing Solutions For Emerging Challenges In Medical Applications (AIPSECMA-2016)”Under TEQIP-II Sponsored,organized by Department of Electrical Engineering at National Institute of Technology(NIT) Rourkela from Sep 25 to Sep 26,2016
- Participated in the short Term course on “MATLAB Programming and Its Engineering Applications” organized by Department of Computer Application and Department of Biomedical Engineering at National Institute of Technology(NIT) Raipur from Dec 26 to Dec 30,2013
- Participated in the short term course on “Lab VIEW and Applications” for 5 days workshop from 21st Sep 2012 to 25th Sep 2012 .at SSCET, Bhilai.
- Participated in the State Level Workshop on “MATLAB Programming for Engineers” has been organized on 6th & 7th April 2012 at SSCET, Bhilai.
- Participated in the short term course on “Edwin XP” for 2 days in the year of 2011 at SSCET, Bhilai.
- Two days workshop on “Advanced Electronics Simulation” “has been organized on18th & 19th April 2011 at CSIT Durg.
- Workshop on Virtual Instrumentation through "Labview" held on 3rd December 2008, organized by IIPC & deptt. of E & TC SSCET, Bhilai
- Teachers training programme for the subject "Health Hygiene & Yoga” organised by Quality improvement cell on 17th December 2006 at BIT, Durg.