Educational Qualication | MTech, BE |
Area of Interest | Image Processing, VLSI, Digital |
Journals Publications
- Chandradatta Verma and ChandrahasSahu “Hybrid Image Segmentation & Energy minimization technique for the images with non-uniform light intensity” in International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE) Volume 1, Issue 4, Oct-2012 pp 2544-2549.
- chandradatta Verma "Design of Effective Very Low Power SAR ADC in 90 nm Using STSCL Approach"; in International Journal of International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST), ISSN: 0976-8491, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan. – March 2012.
- Shweta Pandey and Chandradatta Verma "A Review on Image Demosaicing Methods" in International Journal for Scientific and Development(IJSRD) volume 7, Issue 4, ISSN - 2277-9655.
- Khyati Choudhry and Chandradatta Verma “Reliability and performance analysis of asymmetrical sources single phase hybrid inverter”; international journal of engineering sciences and management,Oct- Dec.2020, ISSN 2277-5528
- Khyati Choudhry and Chandradatta Verma “Comparative study of inverter configurations for symmetrical and asymmetrical sources” Journal of Global Research and Technology, Volume-I, Issue-2 Dec 2020.
- Sneha Dewangan and Chandradatta Verma "Production Analysis by Modelling of Unfinished Product Generation in Rolling Mill of Steel Industry" in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 9 Issue 02, February-2020 ISSN: 2278-0181
- Singh Bittu Virendra and Chandradatta Verma "Reset Noise Sourses and Suppression strategies for CMOS Image Sensors"; in International Journal of Innovation Science and Research Technology, Volume 7 - 2022 Issue 5 May.
Conferences/ Seminars
- Chandradatta Verma and ChandrahasSahu “An Enhanced Non-Local Variational Level Set Segmentation and Bias Correction” in IEEE-NUiCONE- 2012 Dec 6th to 8th, Ahmedabad, Gujrat.
- Chandradatta Verma “Design of Ultra Low Power Successive Approximation ADC using a Novel approach” in International Conference on Recent Technologies (i-CORT 2012).
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Co-ordinated a workshop on “Learning Matlab” conducted by TechnoXian with IIT Delhi held at SSITM, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Attended a workshop on “CMOS VLSI Design Using Tanner Spice” held at CCET, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.
- Participated in a Two-Week ISTE workshop on “Control Systems” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur held at BIT, Durg, Chhattisgarh.
- Attended a workshop titled “Digital Design Through Arduino” organised by IIT Hyderabad teaching learning centre held at SSTC, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.
- Attended a Two-Day workshop on “on “Introduction to Robotics” organised by of eLSI(eYantra Lab setup initiative) IIT, Bombay held at SSTC, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.