Educational Qualication | M.Tech. (Power System Engineering) |
Area of Interest | Microgrid, Power Electronics and Drives |
Journals Publications
- B. Chiranjeev Rao, Deepali Sharma, “Induction Motor Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor System” , International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Volume 10, Issue 1 , January – 2022.
- B. Chiranjeev Rao, Deepali Sharma, “A Review on Motor Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor System” , International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Volume 10, Issue 1 , April – 2021, pp:- 3507-3514.
- Ved Prakash Sahu, B. Chiranjeev Rao, “Enhancing Power Quality In Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid With IRPT Control Strategy For DSTATCOM”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2021.
- Vivek Lahare, B.Chiranjeev Rao, “A Novel Optimization based Hybrid Power Filter for Current Harmonic Mitigation”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 9, Issue 6 , June – 2020.
- Rishi Kant Garg, B.Chiranjeev Rao and Vishnu Sahu, “Harmonic elimination in three phase distribution system using shunt active power filter”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06 Issue: 11, Nov-2019.
- Vivek Lahare, B.Chiranjeev Rao, “Survey paper on Mitigation of power quality issues in distribution system by using D-STATCOM”, IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), Vol. 2, Feb 2019.
- Padmini Hardel, B.Chiranjeev Rao, Snehlata Toppo, Ankit Mayani, “Design of Three-leg VSC based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement”, International Journal of Applied Science Engineering and Management VOL 2, ISSUE 12, 2015.
Conferences/ Seminars
- B.Chiranjeev Rao, Umesh Kumar Sahu, “ A review on Microgrid Protection issues and their counter measures”, IEEE 2nd International conference on Advance Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2022), 21-22 April 2022
- B.Chiranjeev Rao, Pushpa Sahu & Rajkumar Jhapte “Comparative analysis of SRF based shunt active filter using Grey Wolf and Eagle Perching Optimization”, IEEE 2nd International conference on Advance Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2022), 21-22 April 2022.
- Sakshi Mishra, Mahesh Singh and B.Chiranjeev Rao “Improving Stability in Power System Network Using Tuned Controller” Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE), IEEE National Paper Conference 26-27 Oct. 2017
- Completed NPTEL online certificate course in Fundamentals of Electric Drives during the period July – September 2019 (20 hr - 8 weeks) and secured the Elite + Silver (84%) Certificate.
- Completed NPTEL online certificate course in Electric Vehicles during the period Feb – March 2020 (4 weeks) and secured score of 93%.
- Completed NPTEL online certificate course in DC Microgrid and Control System offered during the period Feb – March 2020 (8 weeks) secured the Elite + Silver (80%) Certificate.
- Won first prize in quiz competition held at BIT Durg during Faculty Development Programme “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation” on 09/11/2019.
- Enrolled in NPTEL online certificate course in “Introduction to Smart Grid” during the period July – Aug 2021 8 weeks) secured the Elite (74%) Certificate.
- As Reviewer for “IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) Conference, Mumbai during 1-3 July 2022”.
- As Reviewer for “IGI Global Publisher”.
- As Primary Evaluator in the pre-screening round of evaluations for the Toycathon-2021, organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell and AICTE.
- Guest lectures on Electromagnetic Fields at Bhilai Engineering College.
- Judge for paper presentation in Technical Symposium at RSR-Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai.
- Judge for Technical Projection Exhibition “AVISHKAR-3.0” at RSR-Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai on 28th February 2019.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Three Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) “IEEE First Teacher Congress” organized by IEEE Bombay Section at Nashik from 25/03/2022 to 27/03/2022.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) “Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Environment, Medical Science and Human Life”, Sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Programmes , organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSTC, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh from 04/10/2021 to 08/10/2021.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) “Design and Recent Development in Renewable Energy Based Microgrid System"”, Sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Programmes from 25/10/2021 to 29/10/2021 at National Institute of Technology Mizoram .
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on "Microgrid An Opportunity: Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Resources" Sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Programmes from 2021-07-05 to 2021-07-09 at Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on "Control Systems & Sensors Technology" , Sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Programmes from 2020-10-17 to 2020-10-21 at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur.
- Three Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Microgrid: Operation and Control” organized by SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai, 16th to 18th July 2020
- One Week Short Time Training Program (Online mode) on “MATLAB of ALL” Sponsored by MathWork organized by MVIT, Bangalore, 4th to 8th june 2020.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Control System in industry and Research perspective” organized by SCVET, Etcheria, Srikakulam ,Andhra Pradesh, 21st to 23rd June 2020
- One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation ” organized by IQAC, BIT Durg (AICTE Margdarshan Scheme), 04/11/19 to 09/11/19
- Five Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Modeling and Simulations of Custom Power Devices for Power Quality Improvement Control” organized by Electronics & ICT Academy, MNIT, Jaipur, 19/11/18 to 23/11/18
- Ten Days Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Induction Training Program” organized by NITTTR, Bhopal at BIT Durg, 6/9/2016 to 16/9/2016
- Five Days Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Advanced Power Electronics and Electrical Drives” organized by NIT, Bhopal, 3/1/2016 to 7/1/2016
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life Member, Institute of Engineers (INDIA)