Education Qualication | BE(CSE),M.Tech(CSE),Ph.D(CSE) |
Area of Interest | Cyber Security, Ecommerce |
Journals Publications
- Image Classification Method in Detecting Lungs Cancer Using CT Images : A Review Astha Pathak and Avinash Dhole International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol - 9 issue 5 May 2021 ISSN -2347-2693.
- Food Image Classification using Machine Learning Technique : A review Yash Baid and Avinash Dhole International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol - 9 issue 5 May 2021 ISSN -2347-2693
- Food Image Classification using Deep Learning Technique Yash Baid and Avinash Dhole International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol - 9 issue 7 July 2021 ISSN -2347-2693
- “ Synchronous Q Learning Based Technique for Performance Improvement in Multi Core Processors” Avinash Dhole, Dr Mohan Awasthy and Dr Sanjay Kumar International J. Technology ISSN- 2231- 3907(Print),2018.
- “Q Learning Based Technique for Accelerated Computing on Multicore Processors” Avinash Dhole, Dr. Mohan Awasthy and Dr Sanjay Kumar , Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) ISSN - 0976-5166, Vol. 8 No. 5 Oct-Nov 2017 Scopus Listed
- Lungs Cancer Identification by Deep Learning 3D CNN Architecture Astha Pathak and Avinash Dhole Sixth International Joint Colloquiums on Computer Electronics Electrical Mechanical and Civil - CEMC 2021 Dec 29-30, 2021, Mumbai.
- “Survey of Techniques for performance improvement Computing of Linear Systems on Multi-core Processors” Avinash Dhole, Dr Mohan Awasthy and Dr Sanjay Kumar, International conference - Science, Management and Technology at SSIPMT, Raipur, ICI-SD-SMT-2017 SSIPMT,Raipur, 25 – 26 March 2017.
- Development of Performance Improvement approaches in Concurrent Processing Avinash Dhole, Dr. Mohan Awasthy and Dr Sanjay Kumar 6th International Conference “Shaastrarth – 2020” on the topic of “Socio-Economic Impact of Innovations in Sciences & Engineering" during 19th - 20th December 2020 at RECT, Bhilai.
- “An Assessment of Green Computing for power optimization” Avinash Dhole & et.al Shaastrarth-2014”An International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology at RCET,Bhilai on 23-24th March -2014.
- “Content Based Image Retrieval Based on color, Shape and Texture using Image”, Avinash Dhole National Conference on Emerging trends in Science , Technology and Management KITE,Raipur,4th Feb 2012
- “Offline Signature Recognition Using Error back propagation network”Avinash Dhole & et al. Technologia 2009 14 March 2009.
- “Java Based Intelligent Network Monitoring System and Frame Work” Avinash Dhole & et.al National Conference by Chhattisgarh Institute of Technology,Rajnandgaon, CIT,Rajnandgaon 3-4 July 2010.
Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools Attended
- Cyber Crime and Forensic Tools Dept of IT,GGU, Bilaspur National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh 23 may to 27 May 2022
- Data Science GLBajaj Institute of Tech and Management, Noida ATAL AICTE 16 to 20 August 2021
- Data Analytics and Machine Learning Central University, Jharkhand ATAL AICTE 20th sept to 24 Sept 2021
- The Importance of Outcome Based Education in New Education Policy SSIPMT, Raipur AICTE-CSVTU,TTP-21 25th July to 31 July 2021
Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools Attended
- Best faculty award for RITOFEST 2009 RIT, Raipur 2009 5000/- Cheq + Certificate