Educational Qualication | M.Tech, Ph.D ( Thesis Submitted) |
Area of Interest | Concrete Technology &Transportation Engineering |
Journals Publications
- Anil Kumar Suman 1, Dr Tanveer Ahmed 2, Dr Pradeep Kr Ghosh 3: Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 2s Publication Year: 2020, Scopus indexed international journal: Design of Wheel Load Stress, Thickness and Cost Evaluation of M30 Grade Rigid Pavement Using Metallic and Non Metallic Fibres with Super Plasticizer. Archives Available @ www.solidstatetechnology.us
- Anil Kumar Suman 1, Dr Tanveer Ahmed 2, Dr Pradeep Kr Ghosh 3: Design Engineering ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 6 | Pages: 8349- 8362: Scopus indexed international journal: Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Porous Concrete Pavement for Low Traffic Volume Roads and Heavy Rainfall Region. Archives Available @ www.designengineering.us
Conference Publications
- Anil Kumar Suman: EXPERIMENT ON HYBRID FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE USING STEEL FIBRE ALONG WITH POLYESTER FIBRE: International Conference: Recent Advances in Civil Engineering Construction Technique and Materials RACECTAM-2020: Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, JIET, Jodhpur on 21st July 2020
- Anil Kumar Suman: Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Porous Concrete Pavement for Low Traffic Volume Roads and Heavy Rainfall Region: 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Science Engineering and Technology ICIRSET- 2021 held on May 2nd and 3rd 2021 at Bangalore.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life Member, IEEE (INDIA)
- Life Member, ISTE (INDIA)