Prof.(Dr.) Smita Selot
Professor, Computer Applications SSTC
Education Qualication | MCA, PhD |
Area of Interest | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Intelligence, Natural Language Processing |
Research Projects:
- “Opinion mining of tourism sector of India using machine learning algorithms from reviews collected through social media. Under Teqip-III with sanction amount of Rs 300000 as Principal Investigator in Oct 2019
- “Design and Implementation of Image Retrieval system forTrademark/Logo Images for Registration”under teqip-III with sanction amount of Rs 150000 as co-Principal investigator in Oct 2019
Patent/ Copyright Published:
- Sensor based intelligent brain computer interface system for assisting hand paralyzed patients to operate robotic arm,Application No:202141036577, Publication Date: 12/08/2021
- Python code for developing sentiment analyzer Registration Number SW-14930/2021
Book Chapter:
- Smita Selot,Neeta Tripathi, AS Zadgaonkar (2020), “Neural Network Model for Semantic Analysis of Sanskrit ; in Chapter 49;Natural Language Processing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications;Information Resources ManagementAssociation”,USAISBN13: 9781799809517|ISBN10: 179980951X|EISBN13: 9781799809524;pages 1011-1025
- Manoj K Sahu, Smita Selot: Comparative Analysis of various supervised machine learning techniques used for sentiment analysis on tourism reviews. Lecture Notes in Network and systems 2022 pp19-49.
Journals Publications:
- Smita Selot, Annie Thomas SreejitPannicker“Comparitive Performance of Random Forest and support vector machineon sentiment analysis of reviews of Indian Tourism” Information Technology in industry,vol9 No 2, ISSN-2204-0595,19-6-2021 (ESCI)
- LatikaPinjarkar, Manisha Sharma,Smita Selot“Improved system for retrieval of color logo images using PSO,SOM and relevance feedback scheme” Information Technology in Industry, Vol9 No1 10-03-2021, ISSN 2204-0595(ESCI)
- SreejitPanicker, Smita Selot, Manisha Sharma“Improving Accuracy in Human Age Classification Using Ensemble Learning Techniques “(2019) Iraqi Journal of Science (University of Baghdad, Iraq) ISSN: 0067-2904 [Indexed: Scopus]
- Smita Selot, Neeta Tripathi, AS ZadgaonkarNeural Network Model for Semantic Analysis Of Sanskrit Text ,International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR), IGI Global,volume7 isuue1,article 1,2018. [Indexed: ACM (DL), DBLP, Google scholar]
- 5SreejitPanicker, Smita Selot, Manisha SharmaGenerating Efficient Classifiers Using Facial Components for Age Classification,International Journal on Image Mining ( Inderscience), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017(2018) ISSN: 2055-6047 [Indexed: Cabell,Google Scholar]
- LatikaPinjarkar, Manisha Sharma,Smita Selot“Novel System for Color Logo Recognition Using Optimization and Learning Based Relevance Feedback Technique” International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP) (IGI GLOBAL) ,Volume 7, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2017. [Indexed:ACM (DL),DBLP,Google scholar]
Conferences/ Seminars:
- Vijay K Soni, Smita Selot “A Comprehensive study for the Hindi Language to implement Supervised Text Classification Techniques”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing , Computing and Control (ISPCC2k21) 7-9th Oct 2021
- Manoj K Sahu, Smita Selot”Comparative analysis of various supervised machine learning techniques used for sentiment analysis on tourism reviews : 9th international conference on recent trends in computing ICRTC-2021 4th-5th Jun 2021 springer SRM NCR campus
- Manoj K Sahu, Smita Selot“ Named Entity Recognition Techniques for Indian Regional Language: A Survey” National Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (NCACSIT) 22nd and 23rd February 2019,CV Raman University Bilaspur CG
- Manoj K Sahu, Smita SelotA study on Feature Extraction and summarization from online tourism reviews : International Conference on Recent trends in Mathematical and computational sciences ICRTMPCS-2019 Dec 12-14, 2019 SGV, Sagar
- NPTEL on line Certification (FDP) on
- Introduction to machine learning 2019
- Data Science using python Elite Gold 2020
- Data Analytics in python 2021
- Natural Language processing 2019
- IBM cognitiveclass.ai on Deep learning fundamentals on 8th Sep2020
- As Reviewer for Journal of computer science i-manager
- Invited Speaker,:
- “ Opinion Mining: Techniques ans Challenges”: AICTE Sponsored two week FDP on Spectrum Insight of Machine Learning Paradigms on 12th Dec 2019 at BIT Durg
- “ Panini Based Karka Analysis of Sanskrit Language”National Conference on Comprehensive Ideas in Data Science and Information Security, Department of Information Technology, BIT Durg 28th March 2017
- “ Innovative Pedagogy to promote enjoyable and engageable learning” on Shikshakparv celebrated by kendriya Vidyalaya Durg on 14-09-21
- Best Paper Award by IE Raipur at National Conference 2006
- IBM Certified Associate Developer, by IBM 2007
- Excellence in teaching, Nagar Nigam , Bhilai,2010
- Certificate of Appreciation from Chhattisgarh State youth congress,2018
- Certificate of Appreciation from Techment Technology,2018
- Certificate of Appreciation for paper presentation in National Conference at BIT Durg at BITCOIN,2008
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized:
- EMIRA- CG-COST sponsored national Conference in Jun 2016
- ISTE-SRM sponsored STTP “ Recent trends in Software Engineering” Jun 2014
- National Seminar-Technovision-2007, Dept of Computer Applications,SSCET
- Workshop on DB2,RAD in collaboration with IBM 2010-2013
- Continuing education program during summer break for students.
- State level web site development competition in collaboration with Computer Society of India, Bhilai Chapter.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) FDP Moodle Learning Management System organized by CSVTU under Spoken tutorial project IITMumbai, 23rd-27th Jun 2020
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode)FDP on LateX organized by CSVTU under Spoken tutorial project IIT Mumbai 11th-15th Jun 20
Membership to Professional Bodies:
- Life membership of CSI
- Life membership of ISTE
- Membership ACM