Educational Qualication | M.Phil, Ph.D(Pursuing) |
Area of Interest | Fixed Point Theory in Fuzzy Metric Spaces |
Journals Publications
- Shraddha Rajput and R. R. AGARWAL, On Convergence Properties Of Szasz Type Positive Linear Operator, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (IJAMSS) , 6(4)(2017), 107-114.
- Shraddha Rajput and R. R. AGARWAL, 𝝉 −Convex Properties of Bivariate q-Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn-Type Operators, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12( 3) (2017), 843-856. © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com.
- Rakesh Tiwari, Sudhir Kumar Srivastava and Shraddha Rajput, Fixed point theorem on fuzzy metric spaces with rational inequality and its applications, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES), 8(3)(2020), 50-56.
- Rakesh Tiwari and Shraddha Rajput, Common Fixed Point Theorems in G-Fuzzy Metric Spaces with Applications, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 26(5) (2021), 971-983. DOI: 10.22771/nfaa.2021.26.05.08.
Conferences/ Seminars
- Rakesh Tiwari and Shraddha Rajput, Common Fixed point Theorem in G fuzzy Metric Space, “International e-Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and its Application” (ICNAA 2020), 27th -29th June 2020, Dayanand Science college, Latur.
- Rakesh Tiwari and Shraddha Rajput, Fixed Point Theorem in SF-Contraction in Complete Fuzzy Metric Spaces, BIT CON 2021 National Conference , 22nd – 23rd Oct 2021, Department of Applied Mathematics, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Rakesh Tiwari and Shraddha Rajput, Fixed Point Theorem for (\sigma, Z)-Contractions in G-Fuzzy Metric Spaces, 27TH International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XXVII) on Functional and Numerical Analysis, 26th Oct-28th Oct, 2021, School of Studies in Mathematics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
- Rakesh Tiwari and Shraddha Rajput, Some new Fisher type Fixed Point Results in Controlled Fuzzy Metric Spaces with Application, 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics-2021, FIAM-2021, 21st.-22nd Dec.,2021, Department of Mathematics, SLIET, Longowal,India.
- Invited Speaker, Two week national e-certificate course on Writing research paper in Latex organized by Govt.V.Y.T.PG. Auto. College, Durg(C.G.) during July 12th − 24th, 2021.
- Selected Judge, National Mathematics Day Celebration, organized by Govt.V.Y.T.PG. Auto. College, Durg(C.G.) during 29 th December 2021.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Mathematical Tools and Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics (MTRAAM)” organized by Madam Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur.in association with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 16th -20th Aug.. 2021.
- Two week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode)national e-certificate course on Writing research paper in Latex organized by Govt.V.Y.T.PG.Auto. College, Durg(C.G.) during July 12th − 24th, 2021.
- One week virtual National Faculty Development Program on Scientific Documentation using LaTex (SDL-2021) organized by Department of Engineering Mathematics and Humanities, SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram held during August 09th − 14th, 2021.