Prof.(Dr.) Raksha Rani Agrawal
Educational Qualication | Ph.D |
Area of Interest | Approximation Theory |
Journals Publications
- Raksha Rani Agrawal and Sharddha Rajput , “Convergence Properties of Szasz Type Positive Linear Operators”, 107-114 Vol. 6, Issue 4,Jun-July; 2017 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statical Science ISSN(P):2319-3972,ISSN(E):2319-3980.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal and Sharddha Rajput,” Tau- Convex Properties Of Bivariate, q-Bleimann, Butzer And Hahn- Type Operators”, 843-856. Vol. 12, Number 3(2017) International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ISSN 1819-4966.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal , M.A.Siddiqui, R.Tiwari and N.Guptat ,” Some Properties of a Class of Modified New Bernstein Type Operators.”pp-21-30, Vol.12, Issue 5 Ver.VIII(sep.-oct.2016), IOSR – JM, e-ISSN:2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal , M.A.Siddiqui ,”On a class of modified new Bernstein operators, “pp-97-107,24(1)2014, Adv. Studies Contemp. Math.ISSN 1229-3067.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal, M.A.Siddiqui, “A Voronovskaya type theorem on modified Agratini operators which preserve x^2 “PP-15-19, 3(1) JAN-JUNE 2011, “ International journal of applied mathematics and physics. ISSN 0974-8059.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal, M.A.Siddiqui ,”A Voronovskaya type theorem on modified Post Widder operators which preserve x^2.”pp-87-91, 51(2011), Korea (Kyungpook) Math. J. p-ISSN : 1225-6951 ,e-ISSN : 0454-8124.
- Raksha Rani Agrawal , M.A.Siddiqui, “Approximation of Beta Type Linear Positive Operators “. Pp. 379-384, July-Dec 2009, Volume 5, International Review of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN : 0973-1350 .
- Raksha Rani Agrawal , M.A.Siddiqui ,” Rate of Convergence of positive linear operators.” “ 273-277, Vol.3, No. I (2009), International J. Of Math. Sci. And Engg. Appls. ISSN:0973-9424.
- NPTEL online Certificate Course (Funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Successfully completed The Course “Laplace Transform” 4 week course awarded by the Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Madras -2020.
- Ph.D Supervisor(CSVTU): Successfully guided 01 Ph. D. scholar leading to the award of Ph.D. degree in Mathematics,(2018).
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Coordinator, National Webinar on “Celestial Mechanics and Cryptography" held on 18/08/2021.
- Coordinator , National Webinar on “Wavelet Transform & Cosmology” held on 27/08/2021.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Quuantum Computing - organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 4/01/2021 to 8/01/2021.
- One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) (Online mode) on “Mathematics for Machine learning - organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 18/01/2021 to 22/01/2021.
- Short Term Training Programme (STTP) (Online mode) on “Iot and its application in industry - organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, 19/07/2021 to 24/07/2021.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Membership of The Indian Society for Technical Education: Life Member [L M 55302]-2008.