Education Qualication | MCA, ME (CTA) |
Area of Interest | Programming ,Machine Learning, Artificial Engineering |
Journals Publications:
- Paper titled“ECGsignal analysis usingArtificial Neural network” was publishedinInternationalJournalofScienceandResearch(IJSR),2015.
- A review Paper titled “A literature Review on Applications of ECG pattern Recognition”has been published in April, International Journal of Information Science and IntelligentSystemIJISIS-2014,Volume3,Number2,ISSNno.2307-9142.
Conferences/ Seminars:
- Paper titled “Heart rate variability features measured by ECG signal”, was published in,National ConferenceEmergingTrendsinScience,Technology andManagementforNational Development-BITCON2016, held on January 29th &30th January 2016,in BITDurg.
- Paper titled “ECG signal analysis using Artificial Neural Network “has been Presented inNational conference on knowledge Innovation in Technology and Engineering NCKITE-2015,inKite institute of technology & Engineering, Raipur.
- Papertitled“IdentifyingcharacteristicsofBayesian”waspublishedinInternational Conference onScience&Engineering(ICSE-11),inRohtak.
- Papertitled “Comparative Study of Apriori and DIC Algorithm” was presented in ICISA 2010 Chennai.
- Paper titled “Calendar Based Temporal Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining” was presented in ICISA 2010 Chennai.
- Paper titled “Implementation of Bayes theorem tosolve classification Problem” waspublished in Advanced Computing and communication Technology (ACCT-10), in VaishCollege of Engineering, Rohtak.
- Paper titled “Geographical Information System for Natural Disaster Management “has been Published in Techno Vision 2007, inSSCET, Bhilai on October 2007.
- An awareness Workshop for “School on new perspectives in Wireless Networking applications and relevance of low-cost wireless ICT Solution for development “, in ICTP, Trieste, Italy, From 11-feb -2008 to 05-march-2008
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized:
- International Webinar on Emerging Areas in Computer Science in association with CSI in Oct’ 2020.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- Attended six days Faculty Development Programme on Biomedical Signal Processing from December 11th -16th 2019 in NIT, Warangal.
- Attended Two days webinar on “Deep Learning-Basic Concepts & Models Development" organized by Department of Information Technology, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, KKWIEER, Nashik-3 from 25th may to 26th may 2020.
- Attended a short-term training program (6 days), on recent advances in software engineering (RASE-2014), sponsored by ISTE on 16th June to 21st June 2014.The workshop was organized by Department of computer science in SSTC campus.
- Attended a one-day workshop on “Intellectual Property Right” on 17th March 2012, held in Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai.
- Participated a workshop in “Research Avenues of Digital Image Processing in Context to Medical Imaging” held on Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai organized by Computer Society of India on 30th -31st March 2011.
- Attended a “Staff Development Programme (core Teaching Skills)” conducted by Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai and organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal on 21-04-2008 to 25-04-2008.