Educational Qualication | MBA, MCA, M.Sc.(Electronics), B.Sc. (Comp.Sci.) |
Area of Interest | Marketing |
Journals Publications
- Pankaj Kumar Bahety, Dr.Souren Sarkar & Dr. Tanmoy De, “Impact of Demographic Variables on Consumer Purchase Preference towards tribal Handicraft at Bastar District of India with special emphasis to Age and Gender”, IJAMTES Journal, page No: 997-1007, Volume 8, Issue III, March - 2018, ISSN NO: 2249-7455.
- Pankaj Kumar Bahety & Dr. Tanmoy De, “Marketing Strategies of Handicraft Artisans in Chhattisgarh and its Future Innuendo: A Snapshot”, RMS Journal of Management & IT (ISSN:0975-4733) Vol. 7, No.1&2, December 2015.
- Pankaj Kumar Bahety & Abhishek Pandey, “Channel Allocation in IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Mesh Networks”. Journal of Sustainablity Science and Management under the proceedings of ‘Computer Science and Mathematics Symposium 2006’ at Kolej University Sains Dan Teknologi, Malyasia on 8-9th November 2006.
Conferences/ Seminars
- Presented Paper titled “Impact of Demographic Variables on Consumer Purchase Preference towards tribal Handicraft at Bastar District of India with special emphasis to Age and Gender” in National Conference (BITCON 2018) on Beyond Traditional Frontiers of Management: An Approach to Integrated Business Economy & Society, organized by Department of Management, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg. On 15th Feb.2018.
- Presented Paper titled “Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development of Chhattisgarh”, in National Conference on “Role of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of Chhattisgarh”, organized by Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Junwani, Bhilai held during 25-26 Jan. 2012.
- Attended Seminar on Development Of Chhattisgarh Vision 2010 Organized by Forum Of Scientist & Technologist at Raipur on 2nd April 2006.
- Presented Paper titled “Channel Allocation in IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Mesh Networks” at Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Kuala Terranganu Malaysia. (8-9th November 2006).
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- One Week Joint Teachers Training Program -2021 (online) on “Perspective of New Education Policy (NEP-2020) in Technical Education” AICTE-CSVTU MoU Organized by NMDC DAV Polytechnic, Dantewada, 24-29 Sep, 2021.
- Faculty Development Program(online) on “Investment & Trading – Concepts & Application” Organized by NSE Academy- TCSION, 31st Aug -1st Sep 2021.
- One Week Joint Teachers Training Program (TTP-2021) (online) on “Motivation, Team Building and Leadership for Technical Teachers” (MTBLT-2021), AICTE-CSVTU MoU Organized by Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College, Ambikapur, 23rd-28th ,Aug 2021.
- Faculty Development Program(Online) on “Conducting and Publishing Quality Research” Organized by GL Bajaj Institute of Management & Research (GLBIMR), Greater Noida, 27th -29th July, 2020.
- Faculty Development Program on Professional Development Training held at Indian Institute of Management Raipur during 19th – 23rd Aug. 2019.
- Faculty Development Program on “Motivational Empowerment And Stress Management” held at Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai Under TEQIP-III on 11th June 2019.
- Participated in Cambridge English Teachers Support Workshop on “Developing the Four Skills in Preparation for Cambridge English: Business Certificates (BES)” at Raipur in November 2016.
- Attended Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Organized by Chhattisgarh Industrial & Technical Consultancy Centre(CITCON),Raipur at Faculty of Management Studies, Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions, Bhilai on 7th Feb. 2013.
- Attended Work shop on “Intellectual Property Right” 0n 17th March,2012 at Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai.
- Faculty Development Program on “Case Study Writing and Analysis” organized by Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Raipur , 12th –14th Feb 2008.
- Faculty Development Program on “Science and Practice of Teaching” organized by Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Raipur , 18th –23rd Feb 2008.
- Faculty Development Program on “Case Methodology of Teaching in Management and Technical Education” organized by Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Raipur , 16th – 17th June 2007.
- Attended Winter School on Modeling, Computing and Simulation in Engineering Organised by Department of Mathematics I.I.T. Madras. 4th – 5th January 2007.