Education Qualication | PhD. Management |
Area of Interest | Human Resource Management, Change Management, Databases |
Patent Published:
- Bitcoin price quick prediction using AI, DL and ML Application No. 202121050104, Publication Date: 19/11/2021
Book Chapter:
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava (2021), “Prelude of Investment: Freshman’s Dilemma in the Insurance Sector Investments” has been published in the book titled “Effective Strategies for Communicating Insights in Business”, publisher is IGI GLOBAL, in May 2021. ISBN13: 9781799839644, pp-169-189.
Journals Publications:
- Vinita Rai, Monica Shrivastava, “To develop an index measuring financial awareness amongst the rural women beneficiaries of a microfinance institution”, Int. J. Services, Economics and Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2022 SCOPUS (Inderscience)
- Vinita Rai, Monica Shrivastava, Moderation effect of a self-help group in reducing domestic violence among rural women – Women psychological empowerment analysis using structural equational modeling, Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. 10(2), ISSN 2319-829XUGC CARE
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, “The psychology of Instinct or crowd? An insight into the herding behavior of the retail investors of Chhattisgarh, Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol no. 10(2), 2022, ISSN. 2319-829X UGC CARE
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, Impact of Behavioral biases on Investment decisions: Moderating effect of preferred sector of Investment, Ramanujan International Journal of Business and Research, Vol 6, pp 37-48. UGC Approved
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, Herding and Loss aversion in stock markets: mediating role of fear and missing out (FOMO) in retail investors, International Journal of Emerging Markets ISSN 1746-8809, Nov’ 2021 SCOPUS
- Veena Madaan, Monica Shrivastava, “FIIs herding in energy sector of Indian stock market”, South Asian Journal of Business StudiesEmerald Publishing Limited, Vol. 11(2), ISSN : 2398-628X 2020 SCOPUS
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, “The FI-PSY Impact on Investment Decisions- from the lens of Behavioral Biases” published in Kala Sarovar. Volume 23 No. 04(IX), Pg. 124-127, October- December 2020, ISSN: 0975-4520 (UGC CARE Group- 1)
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, “An introspection of the investment decision making of the retail investors of Chhattisgarh: Through the lens of behavioral biases” published in Humanities and Social Science Studies (HSSS) -UGC CARE listed, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pg. 22-30, February 2021, ISSN. 2319-829X
- Vinita Rai, Monica Shrivastava“Identifying psychological factors governing empowerment among Self Help Group women beneficiaries using principal component analysis” published in Humanities and Social science studies -UGC CARE listed Volume 9, Issue 2, Pg. 83-91, December 2020, ISSN. 2319-829X.
- Vinita Rai, Monica Shrivastava“Micro financial drivers of women empowerment: Does self-help group membership and family size moderate the relation?” published in The Indian Economic Journal, DOI: 10.1177/0019466220988084,pp.1-23-UGC Care Group-I list journal & ABDC indexed journal.
- Manoj Satpathy, Monica Shrivastava‘Problems And Challenges Of Communicable Diseases In India”, International Journal of Creative Research and Thought (ijcrt.org), Volume 8, Issue 6, ISSN No: 2320-2882, June 2020
- Manoj Satpathy, Monica ShrivastavaRural Communication Campaign (RCC) Saves the Life of Sunita (A case study), International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (1) Issue (7) (2020) Page 78-80
Conferences/ Seminars:
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, “The FI-PSY Impact on Investment Decisions- from the lens of Behavioral Biases.” in 1st joint International conference ATMITA-LINCOLN 2020 held online on 3rd-4th December 2020 at Atmiya University, Rajkot, Gujarat.
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, “Covid Infected investments- the impact of new normal on behavioral Biases of Investors” in the International conference on the “New Normal” in Management, Social sciences and economic development organized by Amity Business School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior on 6th November 2020. ISBN: 978-93-89298-79-6, Pg. 184-192.
- International Conference on “The new normal in management, social sciences & economic development” organized by Amity University, Madhya Pradesh,Gwalior on 6th November 2020, ISBN: 978-93-89298-79-6, Pg. 36-42.
- Vinita Rai, Monica Shrivastava, Microfinance In India: Problems & Challenges, International Conference on Research & Developments in Engineering & Management organized by IIRM-SDT, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, held on 23rd May 2021, ISBN-13: 979-8509803918,Pg. 76-88.
- Vinita Rai, Monica ShrivastavaPsychological Variables Influencing Self Help Group Women Beneficiaries– An Empirical Study in Rural Chhattisgarh, International Conference on Sustainable Research in Engineering , science and Management, SSIPMT, Raipur, Jan’ 2020[2019-2020]
- Shilpi Gupta, Monica Shrivastava, An introspection of the Behavioral biases of the investors of Chhattisgarh with special reference to Raipur & Bilaspur ”, International Conference on Sustainable Research in Engineering , science and Management, SSIPMT, Raipur, Jan’ 2020[2019-2020]
- Veena Madaan, Monica Shrivastava, “Herding by Foreign Institutional Investors in Energy Sector of Indian Stock Market, International Conference on Digital Economy”, IIM Raipur, 6th -8th Dec’ 2019
- State Student Coordinator for Chhattisgarh of CSI
- NPTEL on line Certification, GOLD (FDP), on Python for Data Science in Sep 2020
- NPTEL on line Certification ELITE(FDP), on Customer Relationship Management in Nov’ 2020
- Reviewer of “International Journal of Emerging Markets”, Management Decision, and VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized:
- International Webinar on Emerging Areas in Computer Science in association with CSI in Oct’ 2020.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- Online Orientation Training Programme for Mentors organized from 9th February to 13th February 2021 under National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training.
- Customer Relationship Management FDP from NPTEL, 8 weeks, Sep-Nov 2020
- Completed Innovation Ambassador Training conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell & AICTE, New Delhi.
- Participated in online FDP on “Achieving Academic Effectiveness” organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur & CSVTU Bhilai during 18-20 November 2020 under TEQIP-III
- Organized an International Webinar on Emerging trends in Computer Science in Association with CSI on 31st Oct’ 2020
- Faculty Development Programme from 2020-04-29 to 2020-05-02 on LaTeX organized by Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University with course material provided by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
- Faculty Development Programme from 2020-06-23 to 2020-06-27 on Moodle Learning Management System organized by Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University with course material provided by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
- Faculty Development Programme from 2020-06-11 to 2020-06-15 on Scilab organized by Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University with course material provided by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
- Participated in the IIC Online Sessions conducted by Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD's Innovation Cell, New Delhi to promote Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship, and Start-ups among HEIs from 28th April to 22nd May 2020 during COVID-19 nationwide lockdown.
- One Week National Level eFDP - Faculty Refresher Program on “ANALYTICS IN BUSINESS & RESEARCH” using JMP Statistical Discovery held from 12th June to 17th June 2020.
- Python for Data Science FDP from NPTEL, 4 weeks, Jan-Feb 2020
Provided consultancy to Aeon Software Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai from 11th Jan’ 21 to 10th May’ 21. Involved in the Analysis, Design and Testing of 2 International Projects, Project APART and Project ELEVATE. Responsible for designing of Use Cases, Test cases, managing triage calls and tracking project issues.
Membership to Professional Bodies:
- Life Member, CSI (INDIA)