Professor and Head,
Department of Applied Mathematics

Educational Qualication | M.Sc, Ph.D |
Area of Interest | Algebra, Coding Theory, Operations Research |
Book Chapter
- Madan Mohan Singh: Applied Engineering Mathematics,2016, ISBN:978-98-83635-79-5
Journals Publications
- Soni, M and Singh M.M: Fuzzy game- theoretic decision making in Politics,, Journal of Applied science and computations, Volume 7, issue 3 ,1076-5131,2020.
- Singh, M .M and Dwivedi,V.K: The liar paradox in Set Theory, International journal of research and analytical reviews (IJRAR),vol 6, Issue 2, May 2019.
- Singh, M .M and Kashyap, A.k: Contributions to the cause of Bi-topological ordered spaces,Journal of Applied Science and Computations),vol 6, Issue 5, May 2019.
- Singh, M .M and Dwivedi,V.K: Logic of the special theory of relativity,Journal of Applied science and computations ,vol 6, Issue 4, April 2019.
- Singh, M .M and Dwivedi, V.K:On an important aspect of the Special Theory of Relativity, International journal of research and analytical reviews(IJRAR),vol 6, Issue 1,February 2019.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K:On Proper Mass of a particle on the basis of Relativistic Dynamics, Journal Applied Science and Computations, vol.V,IssueXII,pp 1472-1477, December 2018.
- Dewangan, T. L. and Singh, M. M. : Fuzzy Ideals and Anti fuzzy ideals of Near- Ring, International journal of research in applied science and engineering technology (IJRASET), 6(1), January 2018, 1712-1716.
- Soni,M and Singh, M.M: Fuzzy mathematical approach to game theory,International journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics 2018, 3(1), 303-310.
- Soni,M;Mene,S and Singh, M.M: Fuzzy Set theory in Sociology, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering, vol 5, Issue IX, September 2017.
- Mene,Swati;Soni,M and Singh,M M: Game Theory and its Applications,IJTRE,vol.4,Issue 9,May 2017.
- Mene,Swati;Soni, M and Singh,M M: A Study on some important aspects of Fuzzy Logic, IJRASET,vol.5,Issue 5,May 2017.
- Biswas, S. and Singh, M.M: Study of Queues and characteristics of waiting time distribution in Poisson Queue, International Journal of Math. Sci. and Engineering applications, Vol. 7(1), 2013,pp 197-207.
- Biswas, S. and Singh, M.M: Application of Queuing theory in bed-occupancy management in health care, International Journal of Math. Sci. and Engineering applications , Vol. 4(4), 2013, PP 73-81.
- Kashyap A.K and Singh, M.M: Planar near rings and coding theory, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, Vol 4, Issue 6, 2013, pp 77-80.
- Singh M.M: On a property of Regular Rings, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. Vol. 15,2, 2011.
- Singh, M.M: A note on principal ideals in regular rings, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., Vol. 15(1), 2010.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Fuzzy solution of Fuzzy games II, Journal of AMSE(France),2010.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Fuzzy solution of Fuzzy games II, Journal of AMSE(France),2010.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: On Lorentz Transformations, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., Vol. 14(1), 2009.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Fuzzy solution of fuzzy games, The Mathematics Education, Vol. XL III(1), 2009,ppn89-97.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Some contributions to relativistic Mechanics, Jr. Indian Acad. Math, Vol. 31(1), 2009, pp 1-13.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: New solution concept of Fuzzy games, The Mathematics Education, Vol. XL III(1),2008,pp 79-81.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: Ideals in a Regular Ring, International Journal of Math.Sci. and Engineering applications, Vol.3,IV,2009,pp 281-288.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: A note on quasi regularity in near rings,J.Nat.Acad.Math,Vol.21(2007), pp 104-106.
- 25.Singh, M.M: On regular near rings,The Mathematics Education, Vol. XL, 13,2007.
Conferences/ Seminars
- Mene,S and Singh,, M.M: Fuzzy Operations , Proceedings of National Conference, BITCON, 2016.
- Mene, S and Singh, M.M: Game theory and its applications, Proceedings of National Conference, BITCON, 2016.
- Tiwari, S and Singh, M.M: Near Rings, Proceedings of National Conference, BITCON, 2016.
- Tiwari, S and Singh, M.M: Homomorphism of Near Rings, Proceedings of National Conference on applications of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, CCOST, BIT, 2016.
- Mene,S and Singh, M.M: Applications of Fuzzy Games, Proceedings of National Conference on applications of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, CCOST, BIT, 2016.
- Mene, S and Singh, M.M: Applications of Fuzzy Sets, Proceedings of National Conference on applications of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, CCOST, BIT, 2016.
- Mene, S and Singh, M.M: On Topological games, National Conference on applications of Mathematics in Science , CCOST, SSMV, 2016.
- Soni, M and Singh, M.M: Fuzzy Logic, Proceedings of National Conference on applications of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, CCOST, BIT, 2016.
- Singh, M.M and Bishwas, S: Characteristic of waiting time distribution in Poisson Queue, Proceedings of International Conference Transilience, SSITM, 2012.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.k: On Boolean Near Rings, BITCON, 2010.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: On Clock Paradox, Proceedings of National Conference, AICON, CSIT, 2009
- Singh, M.M: Principal ideals in Regular Rings, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference of BMS, 2008.
- M.M, Dwivedi, V.K and Patle, U.S: Logic of the special Theory of Relativity , Proceedings of National Conference BITCON, 2007.
- Singh, M.M, Shrivastava, R: Logic of classical Mechanics, Proceedings of National Conference, RCET,2007.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: A note on strongly Regular Rings, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: On weakly Regular Rings, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: Near Rings: A generalisation of Rings, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: On continuum hypothesis in Set Theory, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Paradoxes of Set Theory, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Shrivastava, S.C: On Bitopological Spaces, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Shrivastava, S.C: On Bitopological Ordered Spaces, Proceedings of National Conference, Technovision, SSCET, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: A new approach to Lorentz Transformations, Proceedings of National Conference, BITCON, 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Shrivastava, R: Von Neumann’s logic of Quantum Mechanics, Proceedings of National Conference,BITCON, 2007.
- Singh,M.M and Kashyap, A.K: On an important aspect of operator Algebra, Proceedings of National Conference, BITCON, 2007.
- Singh, M.M: On a property of Regular Rings, Proceedings of 73rd Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society, 2007.
- Singh, M.M: Regularity of near rings, Proceedings of 71st International annual conference of Indian Mathematical Society, December 2007.
- Singh, M.M and Kashyap, A.K: Concept of Mathematical modelling, FOST, 2006.
- Singh, M.M and Dwivedi, V.K: Emerging trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, National Conference, FOST,20
- Singh, M.M: Classification of Regular Rings, Proceedings of 9th International Conference of BMS, March 2005.
- Singh, M.M: Classification of Regular Rings II, Proceedings of9thInternational Conference of BMS, March 2005.
- Singh, M.M: Nilpotent element in a Regular Ring, Proceedings of 9th International Conference of BMS, March 2005
- Rashtriya Vidya Saraswati Puraskar, Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad, New Delhi, 2008.
- Eminent Educationist award, International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi, 2008.
- Best Educationist Award, Indian Solidarity Council, 2009.
- Rajiv Gandhi Rastriya Ekta Samman, New Delhi,2010.
- Certificate of Appreciation for Academic Performance, CSIT, Durg ,2005-06- 07-08.
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Organised a large number of symposiums and seminars under the banner of D.P.C Scientific.
- Organised a seminar on Importance of literacy and nations commitment to all aspects of education to celebrate1st National education day on 11thNovember 2008 and delivered a lecture on aim and purpose of education in SSCET, Bhilai.
- Convened a National Webinar on “Celestial Mechanics and Cryptography”in the Deparment of Applied Mathematics, SSTC, Bhilai on 12 August, 2021.
- Convened a National Webinar on “Wavelet Transform and Cosmology” in the Deparment of Applied Mathematics, SSTC, Bhilai on 27 August, 2021.
- Organized a virtual Quiz competition in Mathematics namely “Mastering Maths” for GATE aspirants on 18 September, 2021.
- Convened a National Webinar on “Mathematical Modeling and Social Choice Theory”in the Deparment of Applied Mathematics, SSTC, Bhilai on 27, September 2021.
- Convened a International Webinar on “Probability and Curry Match- Howard”in the Deparment of Applied Mathematics, SSTC, Bhilai on 20, November 2021.
- Convened a One Day Workshop on “Linear Transformation and Canonical form” in the Department of Applied Mathematics, SSTC, Bhilai on 27, November 2021.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Successfully participated in the UGC sponsored 3 week refresher course for lecturers of Mathematics organised by Academic Staff College,BU,Muz,1988.
- Successfully participated in the regional meeting of for UNIVERSITIES OFEASTERN INDIA organised by IUCAA, PUNE, 1994.
- Participated in the short term course sponsored by Bihar Council of Science and Technology in ABS College,Lalganj from 12th march 1997 to 29th March 1997.
- Participated in the short term course on “Teacher’s role in higher education” organised by Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar,Bihar University from 26th December 1999 to 13th January 2000.
- Actively participated in two days workshops on “Education Psychology” organized by CSIT, Durg,2005.
- Actively participated in one day seminar on Production Mangement organised by department of Mechanical Engineering, CSIT, Durg,2005.
- Actively participated in the 9th Conference of Bihar Mathematical Society held at the university dept. of Mathematics, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur during 12-13 March, 2005 and presented three papers entitled
- Classification of Regular Rings .
- Classification of Regular Rings
- Nilpotent element in a regular ring. AlsoChaired a session in the conference.
- Actively participated in the centenary year celebration and 73rd annualconference of IMS and presented a research paper entitled “ On a property ofRegular Rings” held at university of PUNE,2007.
- Actively participated in the Golden Jubilee Celebration of BMS, march 2008 and delivered a popular lecture and also Chaired a session.
- Actively participated in a National conference AICON-09 held at CSIT,DURG,2009 and presented a research paper entitled on “CLOCK PARADOX”.
- Participated in “BITCON” at BIT, Durg and presented a paper entitled “OnLorentz Transformations”.
- Delivered a lecture in the FDP organised by CSVTU, Bhilai at BIT, Durg as a resource person in 2012.
- Delivered an expert talk on “VALUE EDUCATION” in two days workshop organised by CSVTU, Bhilai in 2013.
- Delivered an expert lecture in two week short term “AICTE-ISTE” faculty development workshop organised by SSEC, Bhilai in 2013.
- Delivered an expert lecture on two days short term AICTE-ISTE/CSICHAPTER faculty development workshop organised by SSEC, Bhilai in 2013.
- Participated as a Keynote speaker in “AAHWAAN”-2013 organised by SSEC, Bhilai .
- Chaired a session and delivered an invited talk on “Emerging trends ofMathematics in Science & Engineering” in a National Conference BITCON, 2016 organised by BIT, Durg.
- Actively participated and delivered an invited talk on “Logic of SpecialTheory of Relativity” in National conference sponsored by CCOST, Raipur organised by BIT, Durg in March,2016.
- Chaired a session and delivered an invited talk on “Frontier areas ofMathematics with applications in real world problem” in a National Conference BITCON organized by BIT, Durg in February 2018.
- Participated in National Research Seminar on Role of Mathematics in Development of Society organised by Department of Mathematics, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College, Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh) and presented a research paper entitled Role of Continuum Hypothesis in Set Theory on 22 December, 2018.
- Delivered an invited talk on the Topic “Ramanujan: The Mathematician” in an International conference organized by Department of Mathematics, C.V.Raman University, Bilaspur on the occasion of National Science Day on 22 February 2022.
Membership to Professional Bodies
- Life member, Indian Mathematical Society.
- Life member, Bihar Mathematical Society.
- Member, Indian Academy of Mathematics.
- Member, The Mathematics Education.