Education Qualication | M-Tech, PhD (Pursuing) |
Area of Interest | Power Quality, Power System, Non Conventional Energy Systems |
Journals Publications:
- Anu G Pillai, “Study of Power Quality Problem and it’s Mitigation Techniques in Electrical Power System”, International Research journal of Engineering Technology (IRJET), ISSN 2395 -0056,2019.
- Anu G Pillai,“Real Time Analysis of Parameters of Solar Panel”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), ISSN:2395-1990,2018
- Evaluator of TOYCATHON 2021
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended:
- National Workshop on “Women Empowerment: Awareness on safety & legal issues”,organized by SSTC, Bhilai , 28th August.. 2019
- National Workshop on “Challenges in Gender Equality & Women Empowerment” organized by SSTC, Bhilai , 27th September 2019
- A Short Term Training Programme on“Material Modeling for Device applications"organized by SSTC,Bhilai & CSVTU, Bhilai, 18st -23thFeb.. 2019
Membership to Professional Bodies:
- Life Member, IFERP