Education Qualication | Ph.D (Pursuing),MBA |
Area of Interest | Corporate Finance & Micro Finance |
Journals Publications
- Vinita Rai & Monica Shrivastava, (2022) To develop an index measuring financial awareness.
- amongst the rural women beneficiaries of a microfinance institution, Int. J. Services, Economics and Management, vol. 13, No. 1,2022, pp.39-56.
- Vinita Rai & Monica Shrivastava,( 2021) “Micro financial drivers of women empowerment: Does self-help group membership and family size moderate the relation?”, The Indian Economic Journal, DOI: 10.1177/0019466220988084, pp.1-23.
- Vinita Rai & Monica Shrivastava, (2020) “Identifying psychological factors governing empowerment among Self Help Group women beneficiaries using principal component analysis”, Humanities and Social science studies, volume 9, Issue 2, December 2020, ISSN. 2319-829X, pp. 83-91.
- Vinita Rai & Urvashi Shrivastava, (2015) “A contemporary study on key challenges faced by Indian Micro finance institutions”, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, volume 8, Issue III, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, pp. 1185-1196.
- Vinita Rai & Urvashi Shrivastava(2017 )“Impact of micro finance scheme on women- A comprehensive literature”, Research journal of management sciences,vol. 6(7), July (2017), ISSN 2319–1171, pp .11-16.
- Vinita Rai(2011), “Beyond Glass Ceiling: A new wave in women entrepreneurs”, Asian Journal of Management Vol. 5,Issue 2, ISSN 0976-495X.
- Vinita Rai& Urvashi Shrivastava(2015), “Micro finance in India – current growth & challenges” MATS Journal of Management and Commerce, ISSN 2348-7879
Conferences/ Seminars
- Psychological Variables Influencing Self Help Group Women Beneficiaries– An Empirical Study in Rural Chhattisgarh, “Sustainable research in engineering, science and management”. Shri Shankaracharya College, Raipur, Dec 2019.
- The Social Effects Of Microfinance: Factors Governing Empowerment among Women Beneficiaries With Reference To Chhattisgarh State, “The new normal in management, social sciences & economic development”, Amity University, Madhya Pradesh, 6 Nov. 2020.
- Microfinance in india: problems & challenges, "Research & Developments in Engineering & Management ", IIRM-SDT, Andhra Pradesh, May 2021.
- Awareness among beneficiaries about microfinance scheme with special reference to Durg and Raipur districts of chhattisgarh"," Emerging trends in technology and management", Global Institute of Technology & Management ,Gurugram, Delhi, 29-30 Nov. 2019.
- Neeladri Gold Medal Award, 2010 Bhilai Institute of Technology.
- Advanced Certified Course in Financial Accounting, 2009, AISECT
Conferences/Workshops/STTPs Organized
- Completed One-Month PDP program on “Implementation of NEP-2020 for university and college teachers” conducted by IGNOU.
- Organized one day workshop on “Social and behavioural change communication”, at FMS-SSTC Bhilai.
- Organized one day workshop on “Financial wellness enhancement: Wealth awareness program” Organized by BSE Asset Management company Ltd.”,at FMS-SSTC Bhilai.
Training Programmes/Workshops Attended
- Attended & published research paper for national conference held on “Emerging trends in technology and management”, Gurugram, New Delhi.
- Attended national workshop held on “Recent trends of computational statistics and operations research in science and engineering”, NIT, Raipur.
- Attended and Participated in e-FDP on “Analytics in Business & Research” using JMP statistical tool organized by Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Bangalore.
- Attended and Participated in e-FDP on “How to publish research paper in scopus indexed journal: A step by step approach” organized by Dr.V.N.Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane.
- Attended and Participated in e-Workshop on “Meta analysis for writing research papers “organized by Anant education foundation, Surat.
- Attended and Participated in e-FDP on “Application of software tools in research methodology” organized by Amity University Kolkata.
- Attended and Participated in e-FDP on “Structural Equational Modelling using Smart PLS Software” supported by TUHH, University of Hamburg, Germany.
- Attended and Participated in e-FDP on “Structural Equational Modelling using Smart PLS Software” conducted by Amity University, Raipur (C.G.).
- Attended and presented research paper in International Conference on “The new normal in management, social sciences & economic development” organized by Amity University, Madhya Pradesh,Gwalior on 6th November 2020, ISBN: 978-93-89298-79-6, Pg. 36-42.
- Attended and presented a research paper in International Conference on Research & Developments in Engineering & Management organized by IIRM-SDT, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, held on 23rd May 2021, ISBN-13: 979-8509803918,Pg. 76-88.